Recent content by horovitzsims

  1. horovitzsims

    Illinois legalization Jan 1st 2020!!!

    It's the limit for MMJ (medical marijuana patients). If you a not using marijuana for medical needs you will get less according to the information at Illinois residents 21 1 oz./30 g of weed flowers; or hemp edible products that contain 500...
  2. horovitzsims

    Seeds from SeedKing

    I'll better recommend you to buy and try Gas strain. Read about it here Do not even try SeedKids.I agree with the message above and did not like it at all.
  3. horovitzsims

    Favorite New Strain

    What do you mean under new strains? I like to grow and smoke slurricane. I have found it at It is like a combination of hurricane and euphoria in your body.