Recent content by hudman

  1. hudman

    Is this G from D9?

    Is this G from D9?
  2. hudman

    Is PH really the problem?

    Lady- I have tried soil, coco, and hydroton. So I have pretty much experimented with all mediums. The soil was Happy frog, also tried light warrior and Ocean Forest. All with the same result. Room temps are 73-75 with continuous airflow from both AC and Fan. As far as watering I have tried...
  3. hudman

    Is PH really the problem?

    For months I have tried to grow popular strains such as Pineapple Express, White Widow with no luck. Every time I tried I would get good germination and then within a week or so the plant would just fall over and start to die. Each time I would find the same thing right at the base of the stem...
  4. hudman

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    Snow your farm is looking so healthy man!!! +rep on your grow...remeber that troll who said it was a for sure fail? hahahah where is he at now? Love it are the freaking man!
  5. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    Thanks new strain! I have a PE seed getting ready now...gonna try it in the farm to start.
  6. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    Growa...I picked up a Waterfarm yesterday....was hoping to get some pointers from you.
  7. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    How often and how much water right now growa?
  8. hudman

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    How about an update Snow.... stoked!
  9. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    Sweet growa! Looking mighty nice! Do you keep your doors on that cab open or shut?
  10. hudman

    What is a good temp range for seedlings from day 1-14?

    Also would like to know how long I can keep a dome over plants... Humidity is very very low where I live. How important is humidity at this stage?
  11. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    you gonna start those seedlings under the 400w growa?
  12. hudman

    Easy strain to grow

    Was looking for an easy strain to grow. Will be growing indoors. Very dry climate...suggestions? I will be purchasing from attitude...
  13. hudman

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    Damn it seems like that is way more water than I am using.... any other ideas?
  14. hudman

    GROWALATER at it again....OG KUSH

    How do you germ your seeds and what are they in before you put them in the farm? can you take me through that? I am considering moving to hydro.
  15. hudman

    Plants keep falling over and dieing in less than 2 weeks

    Started a similar thread a few weeks back. Got some good info, but seedlings keep dropping over and dying. I am getting some good germ rates...almost 100% on is what I am doing. Using Jump Start coco pellets from Hydro Farm. Wetting the pellets with some warm distilled...