Recent content by ilovatoke

  1. ilovatoke

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    yo bro, grows gonna be sweet! i cant wait to see the final results crazy T
  2. ilovatoke

    Warning do not buy autos from sagamartha.

    When ive read around other forums about Sagamartha im not hearing a lot of good things to be honest. One guy on here was growing matanuska and all was going well but he had to move location and the plants died.
  3. ilovatoke

    Warning do not buy autos from sagamartha.

    Yeah bro i fucking hate it when people try to act all high and mighty because they noticed a spelling error! i honestly cant see the point in even commenting on that type on thing its pathetic and unnecessary. Anywho back to the point of the thread... FUCK YOU SAGAMARTHA FUCK YOU IN YOUR EAR
  4. ilovatoke

    Warning do not buy autos from sagamartha.

    Hi guys, I brought myself 5 ak48 auto flowering female seeds from Sagamartha. Germinated them and 4 were ok which is great. after 4 weeks they showed no signs of budding so left them another 2 weeks still nothing so i switched them to 12/12 they started to flower. 3 of them turned out to be...
  5. ilovatoke


    Your ladys looking fucking beautiful bro! very nice grow
  6. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    The smell is fruity its got a real strong taste of williams wonder to it, the high is strong & long lasting and you get killer munchies. If you get a chance its well worth the 60 days to grow one of these lil babys. peace
  7. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    final pic of them curing Peace
  8. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    thanks for passing through. The trichs were nice and milky with 20% amber. final weight was about 4 1/2 oz
  9. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Ive given it a few days curing and smoked a bud and im very happy! the taste is sweet and the high is very mellow but long lasting and you tend to laugh more then usual :hump: Just another 2 weeks and it will be ready to smoke properly peace
  10. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Give em a grow bro 60/65 days from seed cant be a bad thing.
  11. ilovatoke

    First Grow CFL

    ah shit bro thats fucking awful news my man! i really hope you get well asap bro.
  12. ilovatoke

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Thanks a lot for passing through bro. They were from 21 inchs to 24 inchs
  13. ilovatoke

    lowryder #1 harvest.

    sorry bro i thought you was busting my balls with big boots on lol. thanks for checking in
  14. ilovatoke

    lowryder #1 harvest.

    all my girls are chopped now and 2 have dried and are curing at the moment, check the link in my signature if you like. And bigv i weighed the stems and it was a grand total of 4.2 grams