Recent content by IndridCold

  1. IndridCold


    If you've got money, look into an ozone generator, one of the gridless ones. Ozone Generators from Air-Zone Ozone, Ozone Generator Technology - Ozone Air Purifiers, Ozone Machines - the super 7000 w/remote should be all you need for your whole place. But they make ones that could nuke the mold...
  2. IndridCold

    Green lights for night

    Hey all, I just got a green CFL from Home Depot - It says that it's a party light and I can't track down any other specifications including light spectrum. Here's a link to the exact same bulb - 60-Watt Replacement Green Mini Spiral Compact Fluorescent by Feit, Uses only 13-Watts :: Compact...
  3. IndridCold


    All great artists go unappreciated in their time.
  4. IndridCold


    This is my art I make every day. I create a masterpiece of refuse in block form. :blsmoke: Satisfaction guaranteed or double your garbage back.
  5. IndridCold


    I'd like to know where you're shopping. I saw one for 150 pounds for the 4 bag model. A 5 bag is also available.