Recent content by insid33

  1. insid33

    Rush better than hillary

    Lol 10 characters
  2. insid33

    Rush better than hillary

    Lol 10 characters
  3. insid33

    Rush better than hillary

    Rush beats hillary
  4. insid33

    Chris Christie is a murderer

    My bad* I missed the part of msnbc reporting. Dead by tonight.
  5. insid33

    Chris Christie is a murderer

    Forgotton by monday!
  6. insid33

    My first experience with trying to use the new Health Care.

    Lol. What is it with you and the homo remarks. Did father bottom confess and put you in a butthurt situation?
  7. insid33

    My first experience with trying to use the new Health Care.

    Hey nitro, pm me. Was just there last year, i have friends there that will take care of you.
  8. insid33

    stoned stories

    This one time..what was the question?
  9. insid33

    The Pattern

    Stevie ray wrote a song about it, flooding down in texas.
  10. insid33

    The Pattern

    I love the booty dance.
  11. insid33

    Is this an accurate depiction of how the medical system in the USA works?

    Would you say it was just bad luck on you part? Or is this common
  12. insid33

    Why does the left hate America?

    I have a good idea what your views are and what ever else spews from your lips. Unless all your posts are lies.
  13. insid33

    Why does the left hate America?

    I wish more people would use birth control, we would all be better off. As for abortion, I believe that decision should only be made by the mother.
  14. insid33

    Why does the left hate America?

    Well shit, everyone has more airsoft and cap guns than me. You seem to think that I feel that all people on the left believe the same exact thing. I don't. There is no way someone with your views could ever believe the same way about the constitution.