Recent content by Jas

  1. J

    Dreaming of Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is the greatest city on earth. Everything about it is awesome, not just the weed. I'll be there again in less than 24 hours!!! YASSSSSSS!!!
  2. J

    Favorite classical pieces

    The process of creating music is a beatiful thing, good work man. I always had a little place in my heart for Beethovens piano sonatas. No14 in C sharp major (the "moonlight") being my favourite. Even started an arr. for guitar back in my school days. Children of Bodom can fuck right off...
  3. J

    *New* The Mars Volta - Bedlam in Goliath

    First, and please understand that i also love TMV so i aint rippng them but, man they definitely aint one of the best live acts around. Cedric's live vocals are sketchy at best and downright awful at some points. They are improving though, they used to be fucking shit live! That said the...
  4. J

    Music To Listen To When Your High

    Neil Young - Zuma Yes - Close to the edge King Crimson - Red Jethro Tull - Aqualung Mars Volta - Frances the Mute Don Caballero - American Don Jimi Hendrix - Band of Gypsies Plus millions more that i can't quite remember just now :confused:
  5. J

    check me out..tell me what you all think pls..thanks

    Awesome attitude to have man, in my oppinion that is a unique talent these days! Not enough aspiring musicians i know have such a positive mental attitude. keep workin hard and best of luck to you
  6. J

    battle songs

    mmmmm Yes. Get "Close to the Edge" Yes are fucking amazing. The greatest prog album ever made! Also check out Battles (Quite electronic/computer game-esque melodies etc) Meshuggah (for the really aggressive games or racers) and i just recently discovered an awesome metal band called car bomb who...
  7. J

    new bud

    The pollution spewing forth from your posts is simply unmeasurable. Insult the ENGLISH all ye like (i'm Scottish, we do that kinda thing full time:mrgreen:) but at least do it with some wit, and without all the malice. The utter stupidity of your posts only serves to fuel the whole "dumb...
  8. J

    Sick of dealing with dealers.... gonna start growing!!

    I'm in the same boat just now. The standard of dealers in my area has fallen well below reasonable, fair standards. Being constantly dissapointed i recently decided that after a trip to the dam for some research purposes next week i will be starting my own horticultural adventures. The world...
  9. J

    Can someone explain this joke to me, I don't get it, man

    Yeah it's a shit joke, made all the worse by his terrible delivery. It's basically saying he fucked one goat and thats all he's known for even though he can do so many other things really well. He should stick to the day job. :mrgreen: