Recent content by jeremiah457

  1. J

    attic growing

    i have a very very large attic and would like to know if i am at any risk (fire) by growing 5 1.5 foot plants in my attic under a 600 watt hps bulb.? is that pink/yellow installation material highly flammable? the wood?
  2. J

    t5/hps combo light

    but im sure with both lights running for 12 hours straight ur plants will be more than fine... i know a guy who used less light and was pretty successful with his harvest
  3. J

    t5/hps combo light

    thats decent output... the guy i bought my 600 watt hps told me upwards 40,000-50,000 lumens is appropriate
  4. J

    t5/hps combo light

    but a distance is required from plant to light bulb so this heat monster of an hps bulb doesnt singe ur lil guys
  5. J

    t5/hps combo light

    i had this same problem when choosing a light source...would highly recommend the HPS bulb as the flourescents dont give off nerly enough lumens to produce good bud--in fact you would get tall, skinny, and weak plants. with hps you will get enough lumens to grow a nice full tree :)
  6. J

    humidifyer in small closet

    i currently have 6 plants in a room 2.5ft*3ft*6ft--very small-- and was wondering if it would be ok if used a humidifyer to help cool the room and make the air purer or would the high humidity fuck up my 600 wattt heat machine of a lightbulb??
  7. J

    temperature and ventilation

    no the hood is not cooled, i use a regular bat reflector
  8. J

    temperature and ventilation

    the actual ballast for the light is wired into another room, just the light bulb is in the room with small fan and a air purifyer btw it might not be 95 degrees, more like 85 in prime heat
  9. J

    temperature and ventilation

    im growing 6 plants under a 600 watt hps bulb in a little crawl space with about 9 (its really small) with ceiling of 6 feet... i try to give it as much vent as possible and also use a fan. is it bad for the bud if it is too hot in the room bc of the light?? exceeding about 95 degrees?
  10. J

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    what u got here my brotha is a fucked up plant,, haha jk,, same shit happened to me on the top leaves under 24 hour light at so close range... id pull back the lights a bit or lessen the hours... preferrably pull back the lights a bit
  11. J

    pollen sacks poised to ruin my sensimillia

    i would not follow Roseman's advice because in order to get around 90% females, you need to clone the hermaphrodite plant and have it mate with the hermi clone... moreover, the seeds obtained from this hermi on hermi action will produce difficult to grow seeds that are inclined to revert to...
  12. J

    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    11... purple kush thats why
  13. J

    pollen sacks poised to ruin my sensimillia

    sounds like you got urself a hermi (hermaphrodite)
  14. J

    serious droop

    just a heads up,, you should water when the soil towards the middle of the pot is dry, ( poke ur finger down there to check) not necessarily every 2 days. also.. 7-8 hours of direct sunlight is a little on the low side.. try to get atleast 10 somehow.. but if not, they will eventually grow under...
  15. J

    serious droop

    how often do u water and how much sunlight (estimate) do they get directly sittin up on that sill?