Recent content by Jo N D 313

  1. Jo N D 313

    Where did purple kush come from????

    I thought that Kush came from the middle east? There is actually a mountain range called the hindu kush, right?
  2. Jo N D 313

    Most reliable site for any auto strain to usa?

    Mine doesn't say anything about whether or not it can be used internationally or not but I am thinking we asked. I will check the little booklet that came with it.
  3. Jo N D 313

    Most reliable site for any auto strain to usa?

    I like that, I think I might just take you up on that. Is that ata tundra an auto strain.
  4. Jo N D 313

    Most reliable site for any auto strain to usa?

    Do they take pre-paid credit cards?
  5. Jo N D 313

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush?

    I just got some pink kush from somewhere else. Do you guys know anything about this strain? I know nothing about them. Are they fast growing, early to flower?
  6. Jo N D 313

    Most reliable site for any auto strain to usa?

    Hey all, I am looking for any reliable site that will send to the u.s. and has some alright auto strains. I have recently gotten a 175 watt halide and a closet lined with mylar. I am ready to go but still apprehensive due to all the variables with customs and whatnot, it sucks because my state...
  7. Jo N D 313

    Feminized Lowryder Looking Poop!

    Yup, I am going to say maybe nute burn as well. Whatever it is, it's probably something to do with the soil you are using, change it!! Also, have you ever heard of nematodes? I had a pot with 6 hawaiian baby woodrose that started looking horrible and when I investigated the rootsm they had these...
  8. Jo N D 313

    Trading/selling/buyin thread

    I know what you're sayin. My main site, mycotopia, has a couple of trade threads but no seeds are allowed, just spores. It's how I got started growing mushrooms. I had somebody just volunteer to hook me up with a free spore print and I've been growing ever since, that was over a year ago and now...
  9. Jo N D 313

    I NEED AK47!!! autoflower and feminized!!!

    Just come up with a little more money and buy the ruderalis indica, it's cheap as hell and you can make the crosses you need with it.
  10. Jo N D 313

    gypsy seedboutique not all good

    he should have just sent the fuckin seeds back, it's not like the guy is trying to be some law abiding citizen or anything, he did order seeds right? Just don't put his return address. If you ask me, I think that they were cool about it to tewll him to just send them back.
  11. Jo N D 313

    277 v metal halide ballast question

    I just bought a 175 watt metal halide, it's all wired up and from what I can tell it's ready to go. I need to wire a cord to it and it has 3 wires sticking out for the cord. One is black, the other is white, and the last one is green. The ballast says 277 volt and 60 hz, is that normal to run...
  12. Jo N D 313

    Trading with stoners

    I have done alot of trades on various sites with spores and such. I recently started associating more with the "plant people" and have noticed that I have less good luck with my trades if you know what I mean. I'm not stereotyping anybody, just that there always seems to be some bullshit. Today...
  13. Jo N D 313


    Yup, sometimes they are hidden amongst the bud or even underneath. They can also turn hermie from stress or poor conditions.
  14. Jo N D 313

    Nepali Weed

    Holy shit, I'd be interested in a few of the seeds from that. Might not be the greatest smoke but might have some traits I'm looking for in a breeding program.
  15. Jo N D 313

    300 watt CFL!

    I found one that is 45 watts=200 and says it is 6000 lumens. Is there a reason why it would have more than a larger one?