Recent content by Jojo420420

  1. J

    what grow pot/bag do you use for outdoor grow (geurilla)

    I used mushroom compost mixed with the local soil.
  2. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    What was your dry weight?
  3. J

    First Hydro Grow and Lower Leaves Developing brown spots

    I am doing my first hydroponics grow with a recirculating DWC system. Originally I added organic nutrients from General Organics Go Box and I had the ppm at 390 and then switched to current culture H2O nutrients since I read organics shouldn’t be used in recirculating systems. I decided to just...
  4. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    Nice. What nutrients did you use?
  5. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    Did you finish this grow? Mine finished up at 1.75oz dry weight. Started my first hydro grow with an AK47 seed in the fallponics setup and she is looking good so far.
  6. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    Final dry weight 1.75 oz.
  7. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    Well according to the breeder it is 8-9 weeks.
  8. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    Finished up week 8 of flower. Don’t have a good way of getting trichomes pictures but still have some clear trichomes, mostly milky trichomes, and a few amber trichomes. Should I harvest? I was thinking of waiting another half a week to week?
  9. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    Thanks. If I run into any issues I’ll be sure to check back with you.
  10. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    You going to have a shit load of weed! I am excited to taste my bubblegum. The whole process started in early May. I veged for 9 weeks and then flipped her to flower. I’ll probably harvest next weekend. Then slow dry for at least a week.
  11. J

    First grow: RDWC. How do they look?

    How are yours looking now? Mine just finished up week 7 of flower! I’m going to start an AK47 grow with the fallponics system next.
  12. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    I’m looking forward to tasting. If it tastes half as good as it smells I’m in for a treat lol.
  13. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    Just finished week seven going into last week or so of flower. She is looking good. Took a picture with my hand to get a feel of the size of the plant. I’m using a 5 gallon pot with a 2’x2’ tent with a 300 W LED light.
  14. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    I got seeds from I love growing marijuana.
  15. J

    Bubblegum - 2nd Grow

    Just started week 7 of flower