Recent content by JonnyGrows

  1. JonnyGrows

    Cal mag

    Respect, all fun & games
  2. JonnyGrows

    Cal mag

    I wouldn't listen to this advice TBH....
  3. JonnyGrows

    Cal mag

    So would you need cal-mag if using foxfarm ocean soil ? I also put 2 aerator pumps in a 5 gallon bucket to dechlorinate my water.
  4. JonnyGrows

    Burnt tips, Brown spots & discoloration.

    Just an option Tbh...I've done this process before & its worked for me..I dont understand why some of you think your 100% cannabis growers when there are MANY ways to solve issues and grow dont like my opinion then don't use it...he was asking for help. If you have a better option...
  5. JonnyGrows

    Burnt tips, Brown spots & discoloration.

    Depending on his ratio...however if he flushes he can drop the ppm and start top feeding by the tablespoon....just my thoughts you dont have to listen to me I'm not a professional just giving my advice ! Good Luck & Happy Growing !
  6. JonnyGrows

    Does anyone know what this is?

    Just get more airflow at pot or dirt level they hangout on top of the soil. Or hang sticky traps.
  7. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    As long as you harvest wasnt a waste...a LEARNING EXPERIENCE... but not a waste...start a new grow and learn from your mistakes. Welcome to indoor growing...environment and light is very important so try to dial in your light schedule, Seedling 24hr or 18/6 Veg 18/6 To trigger...
  8. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    Just strain...I've gone through females that havent made a smell until trichomes started forming....
  9. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    Not exactly'll end up with Buds however they will have a bunch of had a seed that was either pollinated from somewhere...or you had a feminized seed that was put through to much stress and it " hermi'd " out...Good Luck & Happy Growing
  10. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    It's a hermaphrodite, Male & female production organs on the plant...
  11. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    First off, not close enough to see if the plant has pollen sacs, however I do see white hairs...BUT you have leaves with only 3 fingers....are u indoor or outdoor ? Usually when your plant grows 3 fingered usually means the plant was forced back into Veg FROM flower due to light...
  12. JonnyGrows

    Burnt tips, Brown spots & discoloration.'re running into nutrient lockout ...get some PH down to around ( 6.2-6.8 ) I would flush your plants with 5× the amount for pot gallon size. And I would brew a tea and hit it with everything...kelp meal, batguano,earthworm castings, Molasses to help the microbes eat up in return...
  13. JonnyGrows

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Personally like pushing my plants to at around week 8 or ending of week 8...they tend to show a bit of bulking within that last stretch...however your crop looks awesome !! Good Luck & Happy Growing !!
  14. JonnyGrows


    If you're only seeing nitrogen deficiency from late flower you can top feed 1 more time half dose ( nitrogen) to keep them green for another 2 weeks, at the 3rd week you'll see the fade again, and you'll be on your way to flush & harvest !! Good Looking plants Good Luck & Happy Growing !
  15. JonnyGrows

    Male or female?

    M A L E Good Luck Happy Growing !!