Recent content by jwhite9552

  1. jwhite9552

    Florida Growers Thread

    good old sunshine state..over populated though in the south. no more woods just buildings and PIGS everywhere! pompano beach, fl
  2. jwhite9552

    Built me rubbermaid tote

    the fluorescent i used for both..and cfl's do wonders i harvested today wait and see the pics i have, ill have them posted up later tonight..hehe
  3. jwhite9552

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    i just bought your book on monday from a cigar/book store.. i have to say its a sweet book!! i recommend this book for all first time growers with cfl's..
  4. jwhite9552

    I have been busted

    sucks you got caught.. atleast you were caught by your parents instead of the police!!! i live with my parents, i grow and smoke in the house. i guess i have it good like that. plus they like to smoke to....
  5. jwhite9552

    Built me rubbermaid tote

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only) -page 12 Thanks i have put some time into building it.when i harvest i will have more pics of my baby..i'll have pics of the tote, and the different modifications ive done to it through out the grow.. about two weeks from today. i feel like a lil kid 2...
  6. jwhite9552

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    couple weeks into flowering.. does ANYONE know what strain of sativa this is???? couples weeks to harvest
  7. jwhite9552

    refrigerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic

    refrigerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic
  8. jwhite9552

    refrigerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic

    refrigerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic
  9. jwhite9552

    refridgerator grow box!! help please!!!!pic

    hey everyone .. Today my best friends grampa was throwing out a fully working refrigerator.. I need some ideas on how to convert into a grow box!!!i like growing with cfl's.So if any good ideas for cfl i want to know!! refrigerator specs=top half 27.5"w-19.5"h-19"d bottom half=28.5"w-38"h-24"d
  10. jwhite9552

    female plant doesn't smell!!!

    I have one female sativa plant 1 month into flowering and doesn't smell at all. Is thier something wrong with my
  11. jwhite9552

    Stealth Grow Box Way to hot!!!

    Here are some pics of my 30 gal totes. I used 120v 4inch computer fan for exhaust. 8inch clip on fan for intake and with 4 43w and 2 daylight 6500k bulbs inside its runs at 84f 85f. When room temp is around 78f. The colder your room is, the more your temp will drop inside the box..
  12. jwhite9552

    just started lr2

    day 8 Lr2
  13. jwhite9552

    just started lr2

    I bought 5 Lr2 seeds from dr chronic, but only three sprouted. this is day 3 for the seedlings.ill post new pics on monday!!
  14. jwhite9552

    My First Grow

    nice tote looks just like mine. no i dont have problems with the temp. i moved my dresser over so that the tote would be directly underneath the air vent, plus my fan is on top sucking in the cold air . but befor i moved the tote it was in the high 80's...