Recent content by KcCrion

  1. KcCrion

    What is better? dry ice or ice water for hash?

    I just did dry ice and it worked well.
  2. KcCrion

    Bubble Hash drying....

    G shit thanks
  3. KcCrion

    flowering questions. very confused.

    People are just going to tell you total darkness, if not bad crap could happen (herrmie). So I would say it would be your call. What is high for your temps? 85 is high 95 you hot hot.
  4. KcCrion

    Bubble Hash drying....

    Quick question, I just cut down my little girl and I just ordered a bubble bag kit, everything that I have read said to let all the leaf matter get "dry" and then freeze. How dry is dry? Do I need to treat it like my cuttings and do the dark room? Or keep it in the cardboard box in garage for a...
  5. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box

    I have tried that with soil but in hydro they say it will make bad things happen to the water.
  6. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box this website is great for looking at real nuggs, wax and hash. Just pushes you harder to get yourself to grow grade A stuff.
  7. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box

    Well just ordered some bubble bags. I just did the 1 gallon kit. I just want to make sure it is for me before I get the good ones. I think I am going to just try the dry ice way. I have been flushing for 6 days now and I think I am going to keep the lights off tonight and chop her down Friday. I...
  8. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box

    If any tips tricks for my problem i would love to hear them
  9. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box

    Well its been awhile but not much going on. I have had a problem with the buds not fattening up. From what I have read it is about airflow. I thought I had enough. I have the 4"inline fan blowing in at the bottom and I have a 4" inline at the top sucking air out. I think it might be that I made...
  10. KcCrion

    Coke Machine To Grow Box

    So long no post. I got her done! Ok lets not lie I am only 75% done. The other stuff I need to get done are cleaning, putting on mylar, mount the power strip, and set up a scrog, one that can move with the plant. What I did was: 1. Got my new light 400 hps cool tube. It is not hooked up 100%...
  11. KcCrion

    Can I fix my plant with this try this out.
  12. KcCrion

    setup recommendations for this cabinet

    What size is that? I would do like the picture. If yours size is to small I would skip the bottom and just do: 1. 400 hps on some yo yo's 2. soil or hydro I would just use 2 5 gallon buckets 3. A carbon filter at the top 4. Mylar the sides. 5. Some foam around the door to help with light...
  13. KcCrion

    Rubbermaid CFL Tub Tag Along - Making My Return (With Pictures)

    Are you going to keep all of the side branching or are you going to just keep the main cola? What shape are you LST'ing your plants too?
  14. KcCrion

    2 x 125w cfl or 1 x 250w hps?

    I first used CFL's and all the money I put into them I wished I would have just gone with the 250