Recent content by Koonohi

  1. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    Sorry. I’m not so sure I’d call her a white rose per say but I have no other words to describe her gorgeous flowers.
  2. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    There is not was
  3. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    There was a white rose too in the Holiday Special in H.D. that came from my original breeding pair. Every color flower was present.
  4. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    Sounds to me like we are now gonna go round and round tryna rule over each other like we got any right to command one another. So with that in mind I choose instead to simply rule myself as best I can and invite you to do the same because I’m no saint.
  5. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    the picture you posted got me singing, “whatever happened to my garden of black roses?”
  6. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    some advice: value what you already have and make peace with what you don’t have.
  7. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    After you of course.
  8. Koonohi

    The Kana social experiment, case study #808, exhibit A; detailing the medical uses, benefits, and side effects of Kana from experience

    My hubby (D.A.V.) is nearing 70 years old and smokes a single toke daily in leu of the opioids he used to take many years ago. He never smokes until at least a few hours after he takes his b.p. and cholesterol meds to avoid feeling overly sluggish. I take his pulse and b.p. Readings daily and...
  9. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    “huh“ is an ancient word for God stemming from an ancient civilization. So that would be wtf for sure as we seek understanding of some concept or being that resides outside of our current ability to fully understand. Huh. there are many ways to say it and in all languages when used...
  10. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    one branch continued the whorled phyllotaxy mutation while the other has not. I think youre right though. It’s doing it’s best to outgrow the mutation. initially looked like it topped itself. Excited to see how he/she works it out. Only one way to find out. Let um go let um grow.
  11. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    I get what you’re saying. Totally agree. I think of the mutation like marvel comics super hero mutations.
  12. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    That’s alright about last year. I believe no effort is ever wasted in the garden. what not to do is as important to know as what to do. I had a blah year too last year. Didn’t keep much of a journal. im back on track this year. Here’s some pics from last year. This Hawaiian ducksfoot is...
  13. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    third generation H.D. In bred line. All leaves in all breeding pairs as well as their progeny exhibit H.D. Genetics In varying degrees. The color selection among both the male and female flowers is astounding and includes the bloodline and black rose colors. Some say H.D. is for beginners...
  14. Koonohi

    Ducksfoot mutation

    Whorled phyllotaxy mutation of a ducksfoot (Hawaiian ducksfoot).