Recent content by KryptaChroniCannaLite

  1. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    Just dirt b4
  2. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    eAsiest way to cure 10lbs??

    18g rubbermaid tubs..... turn bud OFTEN.... IT WERKS ;)
  3. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    you'll save urself alot of this>> :wall: by NOT cutting corners....
  4. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    what tempture dose the reservoir have to be?

    put a fishtank heater in your res., and set it @ 78... (like a 150w in a 18g res, to make up for the extra cold)
  5. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    my setup is a GHETTO version of stinks..... i run alot less plants now tho.... i;; get some NEW pics of my stuff 2moro, when the lights come on....
  6. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    I gotta take some new pics..... this was my first run testing the bludream's growth rate as opposed to PK.... the two larger plants ar BD and all the smaller ones are PK. HUGE DIFFERENCE IN GROWTH....
  7. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    firstly... thanks. secondly, if you want all the answers, youre gonna have to go read stinks thread inside and out (like i did)... there aint no " grow a 'P' every 3weeks for dummies" lol... in all honesty tho, i prolly yield 3/4 of a P erry 3weeks.. but i also just hang mah...
  8. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Aero Buds....

    215 card. 2x1k's. Aeroponics. love. Took a couple sample branches down... these are 6 weeks into flower, and from the shaded bottoms of my plants. BluDream... this BD bud is JUICY! TopDown of that same bud. Closeup... one bottom branch of PurpleKush. Smells...
  9. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    I Once.

    i once heard an old happy hardcore tune that i hadn't heard in 7 years.... got up and started dancing like i was 15 again... i miss my youth..... this thread is awesome!
  10. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Busters 09 Outdoor Grow

    did you take those pics back in '75?
  11. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    Foxfarm ocean forrest with no perlite?

    yes..... 1) foxfarm OF comes with 5% perlite mixed in. 2) you dont need to add just helps.
  12. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    YES. 10charectersruleisgay
  13. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    75 Seat MEDI GROW Stadium

    oh snap, son.......
  14. KryptaChroniCannaLite

    My favorite places to smoke.......wheres yours?

    whats with you guys and "sunsets"??? goddamn...grow a pair.