Recent content by kushmastr

  1. kushmastr

    canada fun?

    man great information, thank you guys, im thoroughly excited now. I was thinking of staying in something cheap in the 50-100$/n range - i don't really prefer seedy or anything but if its all i can afford i guess thats what i can do =)
  2. kushmastr

    canada fun?

    near the border by the falls is more where i was thinking, any recommendations on where to stay and how much rooms are?
  3. kushmastr

    canada fun?

    planning a trip to Ontario, any recommendations of things to do or places to stay? MJ friendly environment?? - kush plz? =D
  4. kushmastr

    Please help a new dealer out.

    bro - this is retarded, your going to go to jail.
  5. kushmastr

    Canada for seeds?

    man, it says you cant buy buds tho, i would be stoked on this but whats the deal with the purchasing =(
  6. kushmastr

    Canada for seeds?

    is a cannabis club somewhere you go to purchase/smoke? do they have kush/hashplant/hash? - and how do i find one of these places.. :):joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  7. kushmastr

    Canada for seeds?

    is a cannabis club somewhere you go to purchase/smoke? do they have kush/hashplant/hash? - and how do i find one of these places.. :):joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  8. kushmastr

    Canada for seeds?

    Has anyone ever driven from the US to canada for seeds? I'm considering heading to Ontario but i am curious if anyone knows of any good seed banks there, also, how hard is it to obtain some good kush while im over there to smoke on?
  9. kushmastr

    thc count

    lol bro this is a silly question, more thc = better buds, and i have no clue how they count it but im sure not with a "thc counter" lol
  10. kushmastr

    Ron Paul is Dead!

    wtf people wake up - i think your post is too long -thats the problem, most people have a hard time getting past 3 or 4 lines. =/
  11. kushmastr

    For the one you love

    wheres my back dog? wheres it at? you got it or what?
  12. kushmastr

    Ron Paul is Dead!

    bro wtf do you mean use our cash why do we have to pay? im down for helping his cause and sending money to support him thats great but i dont really understand this, and im not sure why no one else has commented - if ron paul wins this election i "think/hope" some real shit will change. go ron!
  13. kushmastr

    For the one you love

    if yo chick dont toke /best throw her on the show boat/ cuz she aint nothing but a hoe dont/ let her change yo future you gotta live and love forever :)
  14. kushmastr

    This N That

    taco bell sucks, if i were to get pizza i would get some gourmet NY style pizza, but that shits bad for you, eat healthy and the kush will make you energetic, eat shitty, and the kush will make you rot in your living room bro.
  15. kushmastr

    This N That

    bro - that was post 69 for you, that rocks :)