Recent content by Lady Highfly

  1. Lady Highfly

    Mg and Zn??

    yeah cut back, a meter will definitely help you control your nutes level.
  2. Lady Highfly

    First Grow... What is wrong with my Plant?

    yeh i agree with everyone, really doesn't look that bad! good luck
  3. Lady Highfly

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

    Mike & The Mechanics - The living Years - YouTube
  4. Lady Highfly

    What Are You Listening To?

    loving a bit of James bay lately!
  5. Lady Highfly

    good purchase?

    yeh that's reasonable!
  6. Lady Highfly

    How's it look?

    good luck, keep us up to date!
  7. Lady Highfly

    Comments and advice

    looking great so far!
  8. Lady Highfly

    29 Days of 12/12..

    yeh looking really good, keep it up!
  9. Lady Highfly

    Should i harvest?

    well done and enjoy!
  10. Lady Highfly

    Help diagnose my ladies!

    good luck!
  11. Lady Highfly

    WTAF: just look

    great tip!
  12. Lady Highfly

    cause of light green leaves?

    yeh does look a bit poop! maybe above is right, good luck what ever you decide to do
  13. Lady Highfly

    My Grow Report

    looking good kind sir!
  14. Lady Highfly

    2 weeks and a couple days into my first grow...

    looking good, hope the rest of the process goes well!
  15. Lady Highfly

    How are my plants looking? Advice needed! - 6 weeks in

    yeh nice but agree a little yellow