Recent content by LighterLit

  1. L

    Canoeing and yellowing tips on plant

    Here some of the left plant with no lights so you can see a little better.
  2. L

    Canoeing and yellowing tips on plant

    Yeah that was my problem when they were seedlings thatbthe soul was to hot but hey bounced back and just started this problem.
  3. L

    Canoeing and yellowing tips on plant

    Here the rest of the pictures.
  4. L

    Canoeing and yellowing tips on plant

    I have 3 plants that I’m growing, all have different things going on but the one that’s growing the best is experiencing canoeing and only the tops of the leaf tips are yellowing. The plant in the middle is just a slow starter but I think she experienced nitrogen toxicity because the leaves were...
  5. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    Yeah I transplanted them yesterday into there final resting place and gave them a little water I’m at 35% right now but it’s till dry in there. I added the co2 bag to hopefully help them cope with the light a littler better and there conditions but like you said I probably have to just wait...
  6. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    Yeah I dropped my light to 30 in but my plants aren’t stretching so I don’t think it’s the light. I’ve been using the liquid ph tester that comes with the up and down but going to get the digital reader so I can know the exact ph rather than base it off a color. The only thing I can think of is...
  7. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    Here’s some more pics
  8. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    I was trying to wait until the plants had a nice rootball in the cups before i transplant. I’m gonna be going into a 5 gallon fabric pot( final resting place), you think I should transplant now. I’m not sure if I’m over or under watering. The plants aren’t drooping they look more like a curl and...
  9. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    I’m watering whenever the top soil seems a bit dry, the cups do have a bunch of hole on the bottoms and my soil is cut with perlite. I’ll probably lower the lights and up pot but I feel like that would dry the plants out even more.
  10. L

    Yellowing seedlings

    My seedlings are starting to turn yellow and curl down. I’m not giving no nutrients, my led light is a vipar spectra 300w is at about 37 in above, and my soil is fox farm. Temperatures are between 75 and 81 degrees but my humidity is a problem as it’s below 20 percent so I put sandwich bags over...