Recent content by Lucidream

  1. L

    Bump on stem need help please

    It’s not from super cropping. There’s mutiple bump like that on the plant looks almost like a bug imbedded in the stem?
  2. L

    Bump on stem need help please

    Hey guys got these bumps on the stems of the plant like blisters does anyone know what this is and how to take care of it? Thanks in advance
  3. L

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    it's a 4x8 screen, I think 1600 watts, 32 cxb3590 off of 8 meanwell hlg185-1400
  4. L

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Hey guys my first attempt at scrog keep filling or flip um? I'm Thinking let um fill out a little more gonna take clones for next round, running 3 strains pineapple express, blue dream, girl scout cookie. First grow in over 4 years. Any advice greatly appreciated