Recent content by makin green

  1. makin green


    no alge. where can i get azamax?
  2. makin green

    legal in california?

    oh and 43% are under 20. there lossing to many good players because there getting arrested
  3. makin green

    legal in california?

    they say everyone over 21 can have up to 1 ounce and you can only grow in a 5x5 area. im sure it will change
  4. makin green

    legal in california?

    the NCAA is backing the legalzation because 64% of people arrested are black
  5. makin green

    legal in california?

    im sure all the stoner arnt even registered to vote. GET OUT THERE AND REGISTER!!!!!!!
  6. makin green

    legal in california?

    once califorina legallizes it im sure there will be a lot of other states trying
  7. makin green

    legal in california?

    do you really think theres enough people to vote yes on legallizing weed in california?
  8. makin green


    theres a bunch of gnats on my soil how do i kill them all iv got those sticky fly traps and iv sprayed insect killer on the soil but it seems like theres more and more everyday please help
  9. makin green

    after flushing my plant.......

    how long should i leave it in plain water?
  10. makin green

    after i flush my plant........

    im in the process of flushing my plant iv got just plain water in there and i think i finally saved the plant from dying. when should i go back to using nutes and should i go full strenght?
  11. makin green

    after flushing my plant.......

    im in the process of flushing my plant iv got just plain water in there and i think i finally saved the plant from dying. when should i go back to using nutes and should i go full strenght?
  12. makin green

    Up Side Down .. !?

    put it in one of those upside down tomato things you see on tv. i put a plant in it early this week. you can buy them at wall mart
  13. makin green

    Illegal vs hispanic

    if you want to come to this country join the armed forces learn a skill and make your own money and pay taxes
  14. makin green

    Illegal vs hispanic

    you come to the country without papers that means you broke the law. do it the right way, dont live off our tax money, stop trying to be gangbanggers, speak english and dont have 15 kids! how fucking hard is that i dont care what color you are stop pissing on my country!!!!!
  15. makin green

    I'm looking into getting a led light but need a bit of advice

    iv got a 90w UFO it worked good for flowering. your not going to get giant buds like you would with a HPS but your not going to have a 300+ light bill.