Recent content by Metalarc Lemon

  1. Metalarc Lemon

    Fungus Gnat?

    I have some dunks on the way already, as I said before there is no res anymore. Was mainly wondering about the nematodes ability to stay in say a 4x4x4 cube. Thanks for the input.
  2. Metalarc Lemon

    Fungus Gnat?

    Do the nematodes work in rockwool cubes? or will they just get rinsed through when they are watered? I am having an isuue with the gnats as well. Azamax did nothing after using the whole bottle. I mixed a strong drench and dunked blocks right in it, changed nothing in the hydro but did seem to...
  3. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    LOL a whole lot less anyhoo. ;-)
  4. Metalarc Lemon

    clones are dying. stems are soggy/ turning to mush

    I have a home made aero cloner (see it in action in my signature) that i use plain tap water in ph'd to 5.8 and I use no gel or powders of any sort. It has 100% clone rate and I don't heat the water in any way shape or form. on a 1on 5 off cycle timer, but I let it run 24 for the first 2 days...
  5. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    yeah weird, the top 2 inches of the roots are hanging in mid air without tangling with the other roots until they get to the floor of the tube and there's a sprayer that hits the roots right there so I'm baffled. First time I've ever seen anything like it
  6. Metalarc Lemon

    Calmag? Water stress? Mag? Need help! rep+pics!!

    how much and often are you watering?
  7. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    I wonder if when they went nute deficient, that one locked up or something that it could not recover from. Inside of the stem was already drying out at the bottom so it wasn't taking anything up which is wild because the roots look and feel great and the stems were nice and green on the outside.
  8. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    No, only down. ph stabilized after the ppm was raised. That plant did not make it, I cut it out this morning as to hopefully not spread whatever was wrong with that one. very odd.
  9. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    No problem man, everything helps. I have looked and looked also as I had a horrible run in with mites last year. ANY and EVERY suggestion helps. We all learn by our own experiences and in a forum a chance to learn from others experiences as well so we don't have to trial and error everything. I...
  10. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    Thanks LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    ph is stable at 5.8. The only reason the ppm (which I usually keep at 1200) was raised was because of the symptoms and also the suggested range on their feeding schedule is 1800 to 2000 and I've talked to folks at the compassion club that are running these nutes at 2400+ without issues, but...
  12. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    Yes, hence the post about the problem. That's exactly opposite of what hundreds and hundreds of books say and also info all over the place right here on this sight. Usually fungus makes the ph drop not spike. I can provide many links to info right here from verrrrrry trusted veteran sources...
  13. Metalarc Lemon

    Weird Problem Week 6 of Flower with Pics

    Hey all, I'm having a weird issue I have never seen before. Coming in to week 5 the water in my res started doing the PH climb and PPM drop like the plants were wanting more nutrients. So I changed the water in the res, bumped the ppm up from 1200 to 1600 which slowed the ph fluctuation greatly...
  14. Metalarc Lemon

    how long should i leave tap water out

    I never wait at all. all hydro and aero cloner. ph after nutes are added and away we go. never had any problems with tap water at all. When I clone I use plain tap water ph'd to 5.8 and have 100% root rate. The level of chlorine in the tap water is less than the amount a lot of people add into...
  15. Metalarc Lemon

    Lights, 5 over or 25 short?

    Just a quick question to see what the general consensus is. If there is a timer that you can only adjust in 30 min increments and you notice that the timer when set on 12 12 gives a 12 hour 5 minute light on and a 11hr 55min off time. Would you turn it back 1 notch for an 11hr 35min on and...