Recent content by MidwestGorilla219

  1. M

    bodhi seeds

    What is a floral flavor? Flowers?
  2. M

    Prevent backyard theft

    Probably better to get some thicker material then, something that would require some noise to get through. Commercial AC security cage...
  3. M

    Prevent backyard theft

    I want something like this.
  4. M

    mold and cold resistant strains

    DP Durban Poison can tolerate rain and cold weather. You may get a little mold but you won't lose much. Ok potency.
  5. M

    In-ground soil preparation

    I grow in mostly clay and my holes are 3' wide and about 15-18" deep. I would recommend planting a winter/spring cover crop in your native soil if your clay soil drains poorly, then mulch the native soil with woodchips once the growing season starts. After a few years you should have good soil...
  6. M

    Watering With Brown Sugar?

    My experience with using molasses towards the end of flowering is that the flavor was changed. Even different strains tasted similar.
  7. M

    bodhi seeds

    I still like to believe there are many of us on the sidelines just shaking our heads at the two party system.
  8. M

    Katsu seeds

    I think #3 looks like the best, just my opinion.
  9. M

    bodhi seeds

    I should clarify that I was talking about strains with purple in name. I had a blue widow that turned purple from cold outdoor weather that was very potent. I'm also a fan of the forum cut gsc.
  10. M

    bodhi seeds

    My personal experience with anything purple has been terrible. 99% of purple strains I have smoked were very weak, some were like smoking hemp. It has turned me off after so many disappointing experiences.
  11. M

    Thoughts on Indoor vs Outdoor Quality

    The best weed I have smoked was grown outdoors. Some strains seem to do better outdoors and some seem to do better indoors.
  12. M

    bodhi seeds

    I vote for Time Bandit.
  13. M

    Does Earlier Planting = Earlier Flowering? (outdoors)

    Pure sativas from the equator are an exception and do need 12/12 to bloom but I'm going to assume you are not growing pure sativas.
  14. M

    Does Earlier Planting = Earlier Flowering? (outdoors)

    Most plants bloom somewhere between 14 - 14.50 hours daylight.I bloom clones at 14.25 hours daylight (14 hours and 15 minutes). Anything that blooms at 14.25 will start blooming late July/early August and finish usually around early October or earlier. I definitely suggest people give it a try...
  15. M

    Biden won

    I would rather grow my own legally.