Recent content by Mr.Organic

  1. M

    Mega Noob, who knows whats causeing it

    next time put a few drops of peroxide in the water to prevent that
  2. M

    Big bloom and Bud candy???

    i would give it a tiny bit of N but not much. as for the bud candy and big bud i would split the regiment
  3. M

    Mega Noob, who knows whats causeing it

    what kind of what are you using
  4. M

    600watts , Topped/Tied White Widow

    how many plants do you have
  5. M

    heat/stress related! please help

    i would say get 6 more cfls and put them on the sides and to surround the plant in light.
  6. M

    Flavoring Bud.

    i wasnt asking how plants obtain nourishment i was asking what people use increase their yield taste and aroma of their buds. why dont YOU read a thread before you post stupid shit.
  7. M

    heat/stress related! please help

    im using 24/0 light and my babies are fine, people say that the plants need the sleep but in my opinion if your using low watts like you are your gonna need the plant sucking in as much light as it can. it looks like a hot spot on your leaf.. get a tiny fan and it will solve your issue
  8. M

    heat/stress related! please help

    it could be that you didnt repot it and its taking required nutes out of its leaves. most collectives will tell you that you need to repot within a few days of purchase
  9. M

    found tiny seeds. Harvest Now?

    well, what are your crystals lookin like
  10. M

    150 watt sun system reviews needed.

    i just bought 2 150 watt sun system hps lights. im going to be using them for new seeds and starts. anyone got any tips for using them to maximize my growing?
  11. M

    Bud development with cfl

    id give it like 2 months at least
  12. M

    Bud development with cfl

    honestly man, as a cfl grower myself i can say that your buds just wont look like what an hps puts out, but they'll still be awsome. can we get some pics>? cant tell how long you got unless we can see
  13. M

    Bagseed Grow Journal - How do my buds look? *pics*

    i would perscribe bud candy too. def made mine smell and look danker. im diggin the light green color tho.
  14. M

    Bagseed Grow Journal - How do my buds look? *pics*

    looking good. what method did you use to send them into flowering? like how many days dark did you do
  15. M

    Greenhouse design

    im planning on making a 6X8 Greenhouse and was going to construct it using 2X4's and PVC pipes and plastic sheeting. i was just wondering what would best serve to transfer light in while also holding humidity