Recent content by Ms.Twisty

  1. Ms.Twisty


  2. Ms.Twisty

    School Gives Kids Laptops, Spies on Them Via Webcam

    Hell yes! The parents of these kids should bring the fucking sky down on the pieces of shit that not only invaded their childrens privacy but the privacy of their homes.
  3. Ms.Twisty

    Get my Pussy High

    My kitty Midnight loved to get high. She would just lay around wherever we toked and enjoy lazing in the smoke cloud. I miss that cat.
  4. Ms.Twisty


    The Rueben has got to be one of the best sandwiches. Toasted rye with corned beef, swiss cheese, saurkraut and thousand island dressing- YUMMY
  5. Ms.Twisty

    The Best Weed You have Ever Smoked?

    Trainwreck is probably my favorite strain to smoke, although we grew a strain last year called Newberry that smelled sweet as hell and left you high for hours.
  6. Ms.Twisty

    F@!& Nicotine

    I quit last july with the help of nicotine gum and lots of mj!!! Good luck.
  7. Ms.Twisty

    Fucked Up Or Just A Fool?

    They're really fools. Stoopid peepole shoodnt use
  8. Ms.Twisty

    Choose My Next Tube.

    The Weed Star is what I voted for as well. Enjoy!
  9. Ms.Twisty

    help me decide!! (pick between two)

    I like the one in the first link as well. Happy smoking!