Recent content by new to weed growing

  1. N


    they look the same as last pics i added
  2. N


    hey my plants started budding a month ago with orange hair they have crystals but its gettin below 20 where i stay now so can i start harvesting and curing early or is it just a waste of smoke now
  3. N


    Hey i started my grow outside but its gettin cold now high is 60 and i put my plant in the house under a regular bulb will it still grow and my plant also started to bud :confused::cry:
  4. N


    Hey i started my grow outside but its gettin cold now high is 60 and i put my plant in the house under a regular bulb will it still grow and my plant also started to bud
  5. N


    Also will the rain effect my buds also
  6. N


    Hey my baby started flowering stage goin i can see buds and the pistols are like a orangish red color but i have like 3 or 4 ants that was on a small piece of bud would that effct my grow and are spiders cool to stay since they eats insects
  7. N

    Help! plant wont flower

    aye bro yeah we cant help you but throw dat shit outside if dem outside plants ur roots need more sun water and soil
  8. N


    people keep telling me to spray thc in the plant and i tell them it is already in the plant so is there anything i need to spray on the plant or are the non grower friends i have just thinking to hard
  9. N


    warm and rainy
  10. N


    yeah 1 sec
  11. N


    i need to know if someone can guess the strain of my plant and can i get an estimated harvest date
  12. N

    OutDoor Grow

    thnx 4 the help i hope it either or there both great
  13. N

    OutDoor Grow

    can anyone tell me wat strain or a lucky guess of wat it could be
  14. N


    will i need to check them daily cuz i wont be able im goin to hawaii on a plane
  15. N


    i need it to be in there for liek 3months will my buds still be good