Recent content by NLseeker

  1. NLseeker

    I will be Temporary Cali resident: Med Rec?

    Thanks everyone. I am glad to be in Pasadena but will be happier after I get a rec.
  2. NLseeker

    I will be Temporary Cali resident: Med Rec?

    Thanks for the reply. Since I do not have any utility bills in my name, do you think a cell phone bill with a CA address will work?
  3. NLseeker

    I will be Temporary Cali resident: Med Rec?

    Hello everyone: Please excuse me if this has been discussed before. I am having trouble searching from my phone. I will be a temp resident in Pasadena for the next 6 months and I need your advice on getting a Med Rec. Questions: If i get a DR rec, are there any compassion clinics that...
  4. NLseeker

    How to find a dealer

    Strippers and strip clubs have giving me my best batting average. Dealing with strippers is a pain in the ass though.
  5. NLseeker

    Baltimore or DC access

    Thanks 4 the reply. Asking strangers for MJ has not been something I have been good at. I can always fall back on my MOM if things don't work out. Do you know anything about DC for the rec M user?
  6. NLseeker

    Baltimore or DC access

    Hello all:I travel into Baltimore every week for work. Since Maryland is a 'grey' area legal state for MM, are they lenient towards rec marijuana users in Baltimore or would it be best to make a connection in DC? Is DC more open now or is it still legal/illegal? Is Delaware or Jersey a better...
  7. NLseeker

    Those FUNNY Pictures

  8. NLseeker

    Those FUNNY Pictures

  9. NLseeker

    Indica or Sativa

    Indica's but I do love 50/50's.
  10. NLseeker

    Should I have weed sent to me in the mail?

    I have done mail order before and I have not had any issues. It is also pretty convenient. I will tell you that I would never create a post that suggests that I was thinking of receiving a package or considering a package. Mailing illegals is a federal offense which super-seeds your state...
  11. NLseeker

    We Haven't Had a LOLCat Thread in Awhile...

    Some LOLz dogz...