Recent content by nme

  1. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    Seriously? I've done many hours of dabbin and development and haven't noticed that.
  2. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    What's everyone running their PID settings at these days? I don't really like to mess with it but I was thinking it might need to be adjusted some. It overshoots about 150* initially...then levels out but overshoots again by about 10* after each dab.
  3. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    Time for an admittance of shame! I screwed up and ordered a nice fiberglass sheathed coil but didn't notice it was only 12V and not 120V...son of a bitch!
  4. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    My coil just blew the fuck up. I used a K type TC coil with a ta4-snr using PID setting P=30 I=10.5 D=2.12 I set it at 100* and it overshot to 165*. The coil was warm to touch but definitely not that I turned it up to 600 and as soon as I hit the set button it overheated the coil and...
  5. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    Is everyone here using the HE Infiniti Nail with their DIY enail? Coilworks has dropped the universal nail they were selling... Budbro: did you ever find anyone to blow quartz for you?
  6. nme

    Glass oil rig, On the Cheap?

    I have some really nice glass but I break out the Chinese shit for company. That being said I have a few Chinese pieces that are about 5 years old now.
  7. nme

    Glass oil rig, On the Cheap?

    I buy cheap glass from 20-40 bucks.... about 2 weeks for shipping though
  8. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    Has anyone tried the coilworks nail?
  9. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    Message me with the link please....thank you.
  10. nme

    DIY E-Nail

    What size coil are you using with that HE dualti nail? I have the same nail and might go the same route...thanks.
  11. nme

    smoking shatter with the volcano

    the gauze method looks solid, but how do you depress the inside valve that lets the vape into the bag?
  12. nme

    scraping pyrex

    Let us know how the ss foil works out for you, I might have to try that. I just ordered almost everything on skilletools site, I should have a great scraper out of the order. Thanks everyone for the input.
  13. nme

    scraping pyrex

    I need some kind of handle that will not let the razor move and is comfortable as my drywall spackle, I have arthritis and my grip sucks.
  14. nme

    scraping pyrex

    I'm not sure what you mean by hard corners qwiz