Recent content by OSHiT

  1. O

    No hydro experience, help me out?

    thanks for the reply's florida but like i said small scale, do you know ratios ... ex. 3 gal bucket/ 3 ft plant or could i use say a 1-2 gal bucket for a 2-3 ft plant? as far as root rot goes. its a problem with dwc/roots in water if u mix dwc with high temps it create's a low dissolved...
  2. O

    No hydro experience, help me out?

    ok i looked through alittle of both... as for the eb n flow u showed keep n mind it has to be able to be used on a small scale with as minimal height as possible. as for the hempy buckets... i dont understand fully how it works... to me it just looks like the same grow style as soil.. u still...
  3. O

    No hydro experience, help me out?

    So, for my next grow i wanna do something hydro... alittle more automated. i know the basic setups and ive looked around abit, but i have no experience with any hydro setup so i wanna know what you guys think of yours/others hydro setup that you have worked with personally. Odds are im going...
  4. O

    Majority of ya said over watered .... Well she was under watered

    read the title of the thread... tell me what it implies.... and i didnt say anything in this thread was wrong... simply that if u didnt get the correct solution... then the information u gave was wrong -> wrong as in not enough information or not the right information to diagnose the problem...
  5. O

    BB Cheese 2 weeks old problem with leaves

    your pictures make it hard for anyone to do anything... you would prolly get more responces if u just took the pictures out.... other than that u need to include more prolly has something to do with what your feeding the plants... make sure you ph your water ....
  6. O

    Majority of ya said over watered .... Well she was under watered

    not really people on riu's fault u gave them the wrong information...most (decent) growers can tell if and how much water is in the pot just by testing the weight , not our fault u dont know up from down Zzzz
  7. O

    can a ROOTED clone,survive 2 days without light

    ive left small plants in compleat darkness for more then 2 days,they didnt die not sure about clones but... there close
  8. O

    HPS run cooler than CFL?

    the dude up there is right... 150 watts of hps will put out the same heat as 150 watts of Cfl the only diffrence is how the heat is disburst ... in a hps all of the heat is given off over a few inches of space so the heat will be much more intense... but in a cfl there is alot more surface area...
  9. O

    Misty / Dreamweaver/ speed queen GRow 250 Hps TenT

    unfortunatly today ive found 2 males woll watering, and they happen to be 2/3 misty/tall plants in the pictures they are back left and the one to its right :(
  10. O

    Misty / Dreamweaver/ speed queen GRow 250 Hps TenT

    ok well... here are my plants on day 12 of flowering you can see overall theyve changed a good amount...right now my current problem is finding the sex of the plants. as for the deficiencys. theyve been eliminated in all but 1 of the plants(misty) rest of the plants seem to have gotten...
  11. O

    PROTEST plz sign

    god knows im a bus load smarter then you ;) just because you dont know what im talking about doesnt mean its stupid... on the contrary it prolly says more about you...
  12. O

    Trich color and potency

    give her atleast anothr week... im sure a few days early wouldent kill it... but 2 weeks is pushing it... usually people like to harvest alittle later... rather then earlyer
  13. O

    PROTEST plz sign

    i hope the kid who made this post gets hit by a bus
  14. O

    Trich color and potency

    potency is genetic... a 20% number means that 20% of the cannabanoids the plant produces are thc(what you want). on the other hand the amount of trich's is compleatly dependant on growing conditions. a plant in better conditions will produce more of them and will be better weed... as for the...
  15. O


    yea the ph is off on the plants... but ive spent some effort in correcting it. and it still gets worse... ill take runoff samples next time i water to check ph... but i flushed them alot and wanted to give them a few days to dry off alittle