Recent content by PanamaRed63

  1. PanamaRed63

    PeakseedsBC reseller

    Nope, Ive ordered from MJ.
  2. PanamaRed63

    PeakseedsBC reseller

    No, that was copied from a email that Mike sent me
  3. PanamaRed63

    PeakseedsBC reseller

    There is an online store to purchase from if you are outside of Canada, but prices are fixed and non negotiable. If you wish to use this option, feel free to e-mail me with any questions or substitutions. This was from him back on 6/21
  4. PanamaRed63

    What Are You Listening To?

  5. PanamaRed63

    leave a song for the day

  6. PanamaRed63

    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    LOL< Pipe dream.. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
  7. PanamaRed63

    Free speech in the politics section

    And you point? What low level shit you trying to pull?
  8. PanamaRed63

    Free speech in the politics section

    Did this doozy(700,000 people are dead because of this kind of shit radicalizing them to be unsafe during a pandemic )come from the AP or your simple mind?
  9. PanamaRed63

    Free speech in the politics section

    Says the guy posting propaganda in thread after thread after thread all day long. Spends hours on this daily. Even when Fact are posted they claim otherwise. They assume if they keep repeating the same bullshit it might stick. LOL See below LOL Some of these folks are sick in the head
  10. PanamaRed63

    Afganistan Collapse

    What are you talking about? Programed? LOL Where did I even mention trump? I posted a vid contradicting a comment, that's it. I didn't spew opinion like you and the peanut gallery does all day long. The only one regurgitating here is you, day in and day out thread after thread after thread...
  11. PanamaRed63

    Afganistan Collapse

    LMFAO, All you sleepy joe fanatics have you head in the sand. Even CNN has turned on joe. lol Ain't that something. LOL
  12. PanamaRed63

    Biden Screws Up

    LOL and that's your go too line. All I have done is quote a report from the US Customs and Border Protection Is that a FACT or just hyperbole?
  13. PanamaRed63

    Biden Screws Up

    From same article "80 miles of new barriers have been built where no fence was before. 47 miles of primary wall and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier" Hyperbole seems to be the norm around here.
  14. PanamaRed63

    Biden Screws Up

    According to the US Customs and Border Protection map as of "Jan 5th 452 miles of border wall system have been completed with more then 681,000 tons of steel and 971,000 cubic yards of concrete"
  15. PanamaRed63


    See? Stuff like this, LOL If you or anyone believes that you have issues, BIG issues.... LOL, You're delusional or just bat shit crazy. But I know you know want I ment... That's why I don't post much here. You folks try to distort and paint with a wide brush. Facts mean nada. Boggles me how...