Recent content by Patient0

  1. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Aye the to everyone who helped out. My little bastards are doing great now with pics to come later
  2. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Kk thx man.
  3. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    That is what I've been doing. Ill probably give them some more water today. Would you recommend a pen, or the drops?
  4. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    well, I watered my little bastards on monday with some nutes, haven't repotted them or gotten a ph pen yet, however they seem to be slowly growing, and looking a lot better. the new growth looks okay still, and they are a bit bigger but my coco still stays soggy as fuck. im on the fence about...
  5. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    So i take it u recommend i ditch my miracle grow and grab that cannabis a +b everyone us talking about?
  6. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Sounds easy enough, Im gonna let them rest until the g/f goes to work tomorrow then ill bust them out and do that.=D ill keep y'all updated as to now it goes. Thanks for all the replies.
  7. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    How should i go about reporting them into the perlite mixture? Should i mess with the roots at all? Or would u even risk it?
  8. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey del and bvr huntr the for your tips. Im off to pick some ph testing stuff and some perlite today and next time ill use smaller pots for sure. The bottom of my pots stay wet even when its really light, so i think ur right about retaining water that isny being used.
  9. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey, thx for your input man. I was thinking that too, but was advised to hold off on nutes. it's hard to get info, because a lot of the time I feel I may be getting recommendations for soil. I cheaped out, and got miracle grow all purpose liquid, and use it at half strength so it ends up being...
  10. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i just germinated these guys at the beginning of the month, and I gave them some today.
  11. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I germed them in rhizo, and give them a misting every two days or so. I just added some weak nutes today with a watering, I have them 500ML each. should i add some rhizo to my nute solution? or should i add it every other, and feed every other?
  12. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    They sprouted on the 3-5th of may and had a dry spell where i couldn't water them and lost a bunch. I then repotted and have them some water and nothing except a handwater until today. I have only given them water since seed, no nutes.
  13. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    to save nutes, is it legit to water the pots until runoff with plain water, and then add like 2L or so of water with the nutes? or should I nute the whole amount of water I add? also, I was going to water until runoff because I have read about salts building up. what do ya'all coco users think...
  14. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i had watered, after i let them dry out a bit, most look okay now, but I have one problem plant still that worries me. He is yellowish, all leaves are drooping and generally looks like shit. The rest look a bit better, still a tad yellow, but showing growth. this guy just gets droopier.
  15. Patient0

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Okay, well I'll just leave em then. Probably and water them a cup or so each day or two until i repot. Thx man!