Recent content by Paul.A

  1. Paul.A

    Need Experience Advise ! Lots of pics ! Blueberry Kush !

    and they start to smell if I come close to it with my nose ! :)
  2. Paul.A

    Need Experience Advise ! Lots of pics ! Blueberry Kush !

    Yep It does look alot like ! not i know that overwatering is the worst rookie error I could have done .. BUt some of my plant now are quite big even do they still got a bit of that droppy look I overwatered them with nute in a too big pot for their size,,.. that form mold did not drain the...
  3. Paul.A

    Need Experience Advise ! Lots of pics ! Blueberry Kush !

    Hi community ! This is my first grow from the seed i bought from crop king, they sprout out exatcly 14 day ago. It is Blueberry Kush. -Soil : Pro Mix BX ( added vermiculite/perlite and no fertilizer) -Water : 22 degree, 6,0-6,5 PH --- I test the soil PH and its 6,3 -Light : For the first week...