Recent content by PurpleHazeJohnny

  1. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Harvest? Interesting Pics

    try for 2 to 3 weeks
  2. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    thank you all for stopping by! update: she's in a jar curing :end update :bonghit:
  3. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    Right now she's 12 grams. and i bet she'll be around 7 or 10 (hopefully). yeah a bunch would be great. i hope i get seeds so i can start some indoors and move just on my porch.
  4. PurpleHazeJohnny

    2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good

    defiantly coudl use some nitrogen. and maybe soil with perlite in it. Mexican Bat Guano should do the trick.
  5. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    nice ak 47 is a most interesting strain. and why yes 2 42 watt CFL was my choice.
  6. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    ahh the point of reward is upon us. "thou shalt reap what thou sow." the great cycle of life is most worth it! well...look for yourselves:::leaf::: exquisite juicy plump
  7. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    I CUT HER MONDAY NIGHT! Total so far is 18 grams, just weighed her. After two days of drying..will she lose any more precious weight off her?
  8. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    Diesel Ryder! ready to harvest!
  9. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    These pics were taken today, before i shut off the lights for good. she'll sit in the darkness until tomorrow night when i chop and hang her. i've heard having the plant sit in darkness for a day before you chop it makes the THC boost a little, and it's less time for dry and cure. because during...
  10. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    I HOPE THE POLLEN SET! and i have like a dozen seeds. sorry they are not for sale. :D i am out of town and will be back sunday. so i promise to update! and as soon as i get back...TIMBER!!!!!!!!!!
  11. PurpleHazeJohnny

    pollination question

    bump from the future!
  12. PurpleHazeJohnny

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    props to this ghetto grow! scribed..
  13. PurpleHazeJohnny

    5ft bagseed at 7 weeks 1st Hydro

    all those lights make my headspin...
  14. PurpleHazeJohnny

    White Widow Worries

    wow that white widow is waste if it's a month old
  15. PurpleHazeJohnny

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    man that's good to hear! sorry that your plant messed up. i'm hoping for good luck with this baby!