Recent content by Rambo3000

  1. Rambo3000

    Quick confirmation on sex, please!

    females for sure. happy harvest
  2. Rambo3000

    Branch snapped (sort of)

    Thanks a lot guys
  3. Rambo3000

    Branch snapped (sort of)

    Shes still not quite finished, but this is what she looks like now
  4. Rambo3000

    Leaves Curling Hardly During Flowering, 6. Week

    Mine do that when there's too much N left over when I switch to flower. Ive heard some people call it 'the claw'
  5. Rambo3000

    Branch snapped (sort of)

    Cheers, thanks guys.
  6. Rambo3000

    Branch snapped (sort of)

    One of my branches slumped over. I guess from the weight of the bud, but none of the others have done it and their buds are just as big. Is this a problem? Should I go ahead and take this one branch? Or would that stress it too much this deep into flower. It only has 2 weeks left. 3 tops. Any...
  7. Rambo3000

    Plant goo

    If the goo in the first pic is plant jizz I will be a sad panda..
  8. Rambo3000

    Plant goo

    Thats a shot of its preflowers. Sorry I know its shitty. But the one on the left looks like a calyx and the one on the right looks like a nutsack :/
  9. Rambo3000

    Plant goo

    Thats what I thought, but im afraid it might be a male
  10. Rambo3000

    Plant goo

    Noob fail probably, but what is this? Its looks black in the pic but its a clear looking goo. Any info just ask. Curious if anyone knows whay it is
  11. Rambo3000

    Tell me this is a female..

    How would I do that?
  12. Rambo3000

    Tell me this is a female..

    Fuck. It was a bagseed. I had two fem seeds left but I had room for a third
  13. Rambo3000

    Tell me this is a female..

    please? sorry its sideways.
  14. Rambo3000

    Harvest in the next week???? pics

    Sweet looking bagseed bro
  15. Rambo3000

    Male or Female?

    Too young to tell. DeeTee t5's are