Recent content by Ravikaleova

  1. R

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Well! am challenging the growers who are already producing medical quality buds to give it a try and see what happens. If you aren't quite there yet, you could use all the help you can get! I am very excited for the rest of my crystals to arrive, given the positive reaction I have had from my...
  2. R


    I think they are the most disgusting mixture of chemical/inorganic compounds ever. People have tested and shown them to have human DNA cells in them.. but i don't know why??????????
  3. R

    Help me choose a good game

    My Favorite games are Civilization Sim City. which i would like to play these games in my Tablet. I have Android Tablet which i have purchased from a website.
  4. R

    10th week in wondering if nugs would swell more ??

    I think you are right that It will take more time which is good for it.
  5. R

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi to all, I'm Newbie here, I hope i will enjoy in this forum...