Recent content by redroot1954

  1. redroot1954

    Flowering Question

    Taken today. Blue Mystic left. Sorry about the sideways pic. I finally figured out how to get them upright.
  2. redroot1954

    Brown Tip On A Seedling In Soil

    What are you growing them in?
  3. redroot1954

    Ready or just close?

    Both pics are of the same plant. I used a 40X lens with my IPad on the 1st one. This is one of the Blue Mystics. Thoughts? I almost did the NL this morning. Couldn't bring myself to do it. It was like killing a child or something. I starting thinking, researching and planning this a year ago.
  4. redroot1954

    Ready or just close?

    I'm starting to see some amber in the trichomes with my 60X. It's my first grow. Northern Lights in FFOF. I have two other plants (Blue Mystic) that I don't think are quite there but this plant has been particularly robust right from the start. Sorry about the sideways pictures. I have no idea...
  5. redroot1954

    Brown Tip On A Seedling In Soil

    Being a first timer and not much of a gardener myself I don't have a clue. That being said at some point during my first attempt I quit freaking out about every little brown spot on my leaves and just kept doing my best to provide a good growing environment and my plants did just fine in spite...
  6. redroot1954

    Flowering Question

    Thanks for responding. I have 3 plants, 1 NL and 2 Blue Mystic, my first grow. I'm not home to take a photo but they're starting to look close, at least from what I'm reading on here and elsewhere on the net. The thing is, I'm running out of time, for reasons that I won't get into on here. So I...
  7. redroot1954

    Flowering Question

    When a grower, lets say an experienced one, says that his grow has been flowering for a given period of time, or a seed vender states an expected flowering period (indoors), does that mean from when the 12/12 switch is made or when the first flowers are observed? I realize that this is likely...
  8. redroot1954

    Novice grower...

    I'm growing 3 plants in a small space. My first grow. I started out with 3 150W CFL's but it didn't take long to realize I needed more light. And I only vegged for 3 weeks. I purchased one of those Sun System 150W HPS lights for about $90.00 and have been pleased with it. And Im supplementing...
  9. redroot1954

    Can you see my plant

    A couple near me just got popped for plants in the yard. Be carefull. I think it's great to be growing your own and not supporting some drug cartel. Unfortunately law enforcement sees it otherwise.
  10. redroot1954

    How much longer?

    6 weeks since the flowering started (from my inexperienced observation). 7 weeks of 12/12. Northern Lights in FFOF under a 150 HPS. And I apologize if my picture is sideways, I don't know why it does that.
  11. redroot1954

    newbie watering issues

    When I first started I was so afraid of "overwatering" that at first I weighed the pots with dry soil and then would weigh them each day after watering till they started to get close to that dry weight. Eventually I purchased one of those meters from Home Depot or somewhere. But as time has gone...
  12. redroot1954

    Nute Burn?

    What are you growing it in?
  13. redroot1954


    I don't know why the pics post sideways.
  14. redroot1954

    quick question

    The first time I tried that plate thing in a warm place I came back to find the paper towels dry as a bone. I put them in a Tupperware type container in a warm dark area and had them germinate sucessfully.
  15. redroot1954


    I decided to attempt this this winter. Did lots of research. A lot of things to consider. Grow room, lights, medium, variety, odor, etc., etc. Then purchase what I need to make it happen which took some time and thought. Seeds surprisingly being the easiest part. Get the grow room set up...