Recent content by Reprogrammed

  1. Reprogrammed

    Is This Wrong?

    When it comes to sexual practices, I'm a bit of an aghori, but there are some things you wish you could get out of your head.
  2. Reprogrammed

    Fdds2blk Is Gay

    Why do I get the feeling that fdd totally snuck in a pic of him grabbing his member just to throw us off?
  3. Reprogrammed

    Just saw "Wanted"

    The comic book has a lot better story, but I didn't have big expectations going in so I wasn't disappointed. Besides, if you go to "Wanted" expecting the highest form of art, you have problems of a whole new caliber. :)
  4. Reprogrammed

    Drugs that dont appear on a DRUG TEST

    Depends if you're talking about a probation piss test or an actual, professional one.
  5. Reprogrammed

    Simulated Reality

    Actually, I was about to write a thread about this. I was pondering all the strangeness of our world and how some say it's all a simulacrum. Anyways, there's a lot more evidence for this. Our incredible intricate bodies that have a billion systems that help check and balance one another...
  6. Reprogrammed

    Cooking with Bud - I'm new, need basics

    Like a charm. It's the most simple recipe that works incredibly well I can think of. Next time you're around a bunch of marijuana consumers, mention a leary biscuit or firecracker and at least one'll know just what you're talking about.
  7. Reprogrammed

    Seedless Watermelon?

    If I remember correctly, it's just an engineered species of watermelon that bears no seeds. Just plant a seed you buy and the fruit will naturally be seedless.
  8. Reprogrammed

    Salvia Officially Illegal In My State

    Wouldn't recommend 80x. Never again.:twisted::spew::cuss::dunce::wall::fire::hug:
  9. Reprogrammed

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    Read it. Raises a couple points. At the same time, though, I'm still stuck on how little they know about Christianity. And Christ it was funny when he went on a little mini-rant about how crunched for time God must be during a natural disaster! Does he really think Christians believe...
  10. Reprogrammed

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    It's funny, I read this just after listening to this: YouTube - TELL THE TRUTH - Mos Def - Immortal Technique - Eminem.
  11. Reprogrammed

    Photoshop Stuff

    I feel you. I've only had it for maybe a week now, and I haven't been devoting really any time to it. Once I find some tricks of my own, I'll post em.
  12. Reprogrammed

    My Photoshop Shit

    I love it. Even with darkness surrounding your pieces, they always seem to have the Lovecraftian strangeness. Very reminiscient of Joel-Peter Witkin. Well done!
  13. Reprogrammed

    I Need Advice About A Threesome?

    Actually, neither of us have ever noticed a smell (the taste may be a bit off). And I know that there is residual matter. 'Tis why you're supposed to shower up and disinfect if you'd like to engage in vaginal sex again.
  14. Reprogrammed

    Was Religion Invented To Segregate Us From Nature?

    Thus, without clarification on every religion this question is targetting (though it isn't hard to tell), the question is irrelevant. Generalization isn't just used by religion in a negative way. ;-) {No disrespect was meant in the making of this reply}