Recent content by ricenibbles

  1. ricenibbles

    Ventilation Concerns - TD 160/100 with Rhino Carbon Filter

    Thanks, I had also read a cardboard box around with some insulation would be fine. What's your thoughts about the size of fittings going to filter? Should I make them bigger to reduce resistance from the filter to the fan? Any advice on the acoustic ducting?
  2. ricenibbles

    Learning and open to good advice

    Learning and open to good advice
  3. ricenibbles

    Ventilation Concerns - TD 160/100 with Rhino Carbon Filter

    Hi people, really new at this and my set up is a result of online reading. My concerns involve 'Very silent' ventilation? Here is my setup Grow tent 5' height x 3.5' wide x 1.5' deep so about 28cfm??? I am using DormGrow G8 450 LED light which is both veg and flower, I will add their red...
  4. ricenibbles

    Does this fan and carbon filter fit my cab?

    Imam looking at pretty much the same size and type of set up. Grow tent 5' height x 3.5' wide x 1.5' deep so about 28cfm??? I am using DormGrow G8 450 LED lights. Using a hydroponics system As it stands just now only opening it up at night to change air about and keep it slightly open at top...
  5. ricenibbles

    Samsara Spicy White Devil picture

    i got a seed of this as well for free from attitude seeds... ( along with a few others!) i looked them all up on the discription and they all looks awesome likes... here are the others Dinafem Seeds Critical +. Dinafem Seeds Diesel. Samsara Seeds Supersonic Cristal Storm, Samsara Seeds El...
  6. ricenibbles

    Last Week or Two Flowering, Flush??

    I use bubbleponics (hydro i guess) so you would say 3 days before harvets just use PH'd water??? i totally want to know what is best for this likes and i am worried that if i starve my babys then like the original poster dude said this is when they pack on most and i dont want to mess that up???
  7. ricenibbles

    5 or 6weeks into flowering... How am I doing? When would you stay flush?

    thats cool dude, i am always interested in reading and learning as much as i can so the more convo the best for me... could you maybe help though, if i am using bubbleponics set up, how and when would i flush? i clean our the reserviour at least 1x a week so no build up as such and always clean...
  8. ricenibbles

    5 or 6weeks into flowering... How am I doing? When would you stay flush?

    wicked thanks, from what i have read this seems to be the case, not sure of what to expect, like do they double in size or even get bigger than that?
  9. ricenibbles

    5 or 6weeks into flowering... How am I doing? When would you stay flush?

    I have been using bubbleponics, so would this man I need to flush? And is it true the buds get real big in the last 2 weeks of flower?
  10. ricenibbles

    5 or 6weeks into flowering... How am I doing? When would you stay flush?

    Hi all, 1st timer here! Can you tell by my pics how long I have left to go in flowering and when I should start to flush? I am about 5 coming up for 6 weeks in to flowering, this is counting from when I started to see hairs and formation of bud. I am using 12/12 cycle for lights. My...
  11. ricenibbles

    A Little Help and Advice... set up, bud size and time etc

    Hey thanks for responding, I haven't started flush yet, was maybe going to do that in a week or so, what would you say is the best way to do this? i have read a few different ways, either just go straight to PH water or dropping the nutrients to 1/4 strength for a wee bit then changing to PH...
  12. ricenibbles

    A Little Help and Advice... set up, bud size and time etc

    Hi guys.. hope you can help and give me some advice... I am a 1st timer, so I am not 100% sure if i am on track or have everything right. Basically bellow are some pics of my set up and where i am currently with regards budding & size of buds. when i first set up i have went for a 90w...