Recent content by rob j

  1. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    That’s pretty cold bro. I’d keep them inside on a fluorescent or hid light that’s warm until they get a lil bigger. I would be giving her light 24/7… some people may add a darkness period in there but I don’t think it’s necessary
  2. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Ahhh… I’m not a synthetic grower… but here is a pic of the feeding regimen from that company. I have had the same soil for 5 years now and I’ve never looked back at synthetic nutes since… the soil just keeps getting better and better it seams…. I was using synthetic fertilizer for 5 years...
  3. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Oh dang whats the lowest temp it gets to? Are you not adding additional light when you bring it in at night?
  4. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    i don’t trust that grove bag Shit. I would do a test and leave some outside the bag
  5. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Looks saturated for sure. I would not water 1 of them for like a week and see what that does for one of them. If that kills it I will personally send you seeds lol. If you were to feed it what would you give it? Also what kind of light do you have and how far away is it
  6. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    I grow in living soil and the tap water in Hawaii in my area has a very high amount of chlorine and chloramine. Every state has their own tap water with random shit in it. I use r/o and rain water to water plants and it’s had an incredible impact I think. I use to use tap trust me, but growing...
  7. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Autos are very delicate and slow in the seedling growth stage
  8. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    Usually if it’s black and fuzzy, it’s probably harmful. Dead growth will be followed up with mold/bacteria.
  9. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    Regulatory limits for cannabis mold, bacteria, mycotoxin etc. testing can vary significantly between states. Most agree that mycotoxin testing is essential, and the maximum allowable limit is 20 ppb of mycotoxins in a gram of flower. If you can see it, it’s most definitely going to fail. So many...
  10. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Ah well I disagree, I think the water used and how often it’s applied matters a whole lot more than you think. Without knowing what amendments and soil mixare under what looks like spaghnum peat moss and not really mulch at all is really only known by the guy posting the picture. It’s possible...
  11. rob j

    Dose my seedling look a little hungry already?

    Like I said before looks fine but it Could be overwatered. It’s a very sensitive part of the plants life. Are you watering on a schedule? If so how often. How much are you watering, what kind of water are you using???? Tap, distilled, r/o, rain, river, bottled… all of them will have differences
  12. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    You can have a super moldy bud and a totally perfectly grown plant and that plant should be able to defend itself against that mold it was near. Two dried nugs, one nug lil mold in it, the other nug none at all super healthy… the clean one wouldn’t get the mold, unless they were In a jar...
  13. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    No. Mold is everywhere. The reason it has mold is usually because of issues when it was growing, like health of the plant, insects, environment…not the drying process.. unless you pack it too early, that would be a too humid environment since the bud has too much water in it still
  14. rob j

    How much mold is too much? When to toss?

    Just pick out the mold. Get a head lamp on, turn the lights off In the room, and open up the nugs to inspect for mold. Whatever has mold on it throw it out. If you jar up moldy buds it will spread, eventually. Sometimes it means you Jared it too early but most of the time the mold was already there
  15. rob j


    Looks really nice bro!!!