Recent content by Sattiv

  1. S

    Atami Wilma

    I) use the same nuts as you, everyday my PH changes from 5,8 to 6,8 the EC is 710ppm . Do you have the same isue with the PH ?
  2. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    I don't know why the leaves are turning inside like this. PH almost 5,75 EC 710ppm water temp 25ª they have about almost 3 weeks they are watered 15 minutes hour a hour. Everyday the PH changes 5,75 to 6,75
  3. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    Sorry Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
  4. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    The EC is nearly 400ppm and its stable, my grow is on veg phase one week, auto flowers Critical and AK47. Now the ph is more stable but everyday i have to put a little down. Temperature is about 28ª and humidity 52%. I'm watering the plants 2 times a day, is enough? I have a picture
  5. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    My nutrients aren't Advanced Nutrients but Advanced Nutrients of Holland its a different made.
  6. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    I use tap water the ph comes like 7,25 and 7,50 .
  7. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    the EC is lower like 300 ppm is in veg with 3 or 5 days Seems yes, but i will do one calibration just to make sure. The Ec is very low like 300 ppm. My plants are auto critical and ak47 2 of each, they have about 3, 4 days . Ive been checking the Ph and seems to be more stable, lets see...
  8. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    I use Advanced Nutrients of Holland and i use the Ph Down same made. So everyday we have to use Ph down if the ph is getting high. I´m going to had some coloidal silver to the water. And i have to check the water temperature too .
  9. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    Well i'm a beginner on Hydroponia. I don't have a chiller. Temperature is about 26 to 28ªcelsius, humidity about 50 to 60 . the room is 1,10mx 1,60 x 2,50m . The flutuation is much bigger 5,5 to 7,5 . I go check and see how it it is.
  10. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    My system is the Wilma Atami 11L Large, tanq 50l, normal water comes with 7.50 PH, nutes are Advanced Nutrients of Holland. What is a chiller, sterile? Thanks
  11. S

    How to stabilize the PH?

    I´m having difficulty to stabilize the PH , is coming up . There's any way to stabelize it? Thanks
  12. S


    I still not decided about nuts made yet , but in this moment i'm thinking on Cannabiogen or Adanced Hydroponics of Holland. Anybody have used them ?
  13. S

    Atami Wilma

    Hy guys. I also i'm changing do a Wilma Atami 4x11l . In 2 months i will start with the Wilma, i have no experience, lets see how it goes to be.
  14. S


    Do you use silver water also?
  15. S

    Cocobudder and how I make it.

    It´s what i do using a Magic Butter Machine . You can do a lot of things with that system.