Recent content by ShermHead

  1. S

    Can I cure cannabis while still attached to the stem?

    Because that how the rastas in Jamaica sell their cannabis. They leave the buds on long stems. It looks very unique
  2. S

    Can I cure cannabis while still attached to the stem?

    So my plant is finished drying and I want to cure it just like this without taking it off the stem and put it in a giant mason jar. I just think it would look cooler this way
  3. S

    Is it okay to smoke weed with slight bud rot?

    Yesterday I posted a thread and some of u were saying that my plant might have bud rot. There are some small spots on top of the nugs that are black and crusty but most of the nug seems fine. Should I just cut off the parts that look bad? Can I still cure it and smoke it?
  4. S

    Buds are turning black?

    There’s still white pistols coming out but today I noticed on the top the nuga are starting to turn black and dry. Should I just chop it now?
  5. S

    Time to harvest?

    This is my first grow. I grew this little plant in my backyard for like 3 and a half months and I think it’s time to harvest. I don’t have no fancy scope to check the trichomes so i used a 10x magnifying glass, attached it to my iPhone camera and then zoomed all the way in and did my very best...
  6. S

    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    Not no kid, I’m 21 and I’m currently unemployed and have $10k saved up from pua benefits due to the covid pandemic. I can easily increase my budget if I wanted to. Or I can move out and get my own space but I prefer to save my money instead. U sound like a real ass making assumptions about...
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    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    Lmaoo u Forced it to flower when it was still germinating?
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    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    I can spend up to $100-250 for a good reliable setup. I’m just more considered about the light bill since I don’t pay for that nor do I want to raise any suspicions. I would also like the bud to be as potent as possible under these circumstances
  9. S

    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    How much power would this big stupid thing use up if I actually took the time to build it exactly like in the tutorial? Would there be any significant difference in the light bill if I kept it on 24/7 with the fans on and all that? Would it be able to fit at least a half oz yield per plant?
  10. S

    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    Wow that’s very discouraging. I wanted to at least grow a half oz at a time without anyone knowing
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    What is the cheapest methoud to grow cannabis using indoor lights?

    Now that summer is coming to an end, I woun’t be able to grow cannabis in my backyard anymore. I still live at me relatives house and I don’t want to put me poor mum in a financial crisis with the light bills. So what is the best method to grow potent marijuana using as little energy as...
  12. S

    Should I force flower my plant

    Okay thanks. Any recommended brand of nutrient I should get? How much and how often would I need for a plant this size?
  13. S

    Should I force flower my plant

    What should be my next step as far as getting it to flower? What kind of fertilizers and stuff should I use and how much sunlight should I give it based on what it’s already getting right now?
  14. S

    Should I force flower my plant

    Ok so this is my first grow and I’ve been growing this plant in my backyard for about a month now. It has been receiving a total of 12-14 hours of sunlight a day and it’s about 8 inches tall now. Is it okay to force flower it this early? This is my first plant and I’m really just trying to test...
  15. S

    Should I force flower my plant?

    Ok so this is my first grow and I’ve been growing this plant in my backyard for about a month now. It has been receiving a total of 12-14 hours of sunlight a day and it’s about 8 inches tall now. Is it okay to force flower it this early? This is my first plant and I’m really just trying to test...