Recent content by shockolateman08

  1. shockolateman08

    when to take dome off seedlings?

    Honestly I use caveman techniques and they both work... sandwich bag over small pot to water and paper towel....anyways when you realize you're replying to 7 year old thread. Pretty sure the guys plants are long gone
  2. shockolateman08

    Spider mites during flower HELP PLEASE!!!!

    Your problem isn't that bad...could probably push it till your harvest in a few weeks, if you fight's still a problem though
  3. shockolateman08

    Fucking spidermites!!!!!

    I've been dealing with them for the last month. Thought I got rid of them, but nope. You gotta spray everything dude, we'll try not to spray bud sites but evvvveeerrrrything ...tent and ocd that bitch...I've got 3 plants to go and I'm so tired of fighting them. I'm gunna ocd my space...