Recent content by silouan

  1. silouan

    tree nursery pots - small diameter, but very tall

    thanks for the input stumps. i am really hoping to find someone who can give me more of an explanation concerning why it would not be advisable to use the deep pots with a small diameter. i would use plastic cups, but feel like this does not give the roots enough room for expansion. remember...
  2. silouan

    tree nursery pots - small diameter, but very tall

    i am looking to increase cubic inches with a smaller footprint. nobody out there trying this? does it work?
  3. silouan

    tree nursery pots - small diameter, but very tall

    come on guys - i need your advise before i make this investment.
  4. silouan

    tree nursery pots - small diameter, but very tall

    what would be the advantages or disadvantages to growing in a pot say 4" x 4" x 15". i am curious as to the notion of using tree nursery pots in order to be able to pack the plants into a small space, yet with enough cubic inches of dirt for root expansion. would the roots get too little...
  5. silouan

    Roots of the plant

    what would be the advantages or disadvantages to growing in a pot say 4" x 4" x 15". i am curious as to the notion of using tree nursery pots in order to be able to pack the plants into a small space, yet with enough cubic inches of dirt for root expansion. would the roots get too little...
  6. silouan

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    i will be pulling around 3/4 oz per plant harvesting 2-3 per month on rotation.
  7. silouan

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    my little 150 setup. running gumtree x c99, great white shark x c99, and gumtree.
  8. silouan

    Outdoor low yield?

    matthebrute - thanks for the answer and i am going to agree with your analysis. i will try different genetics in the same spot this summer and see where that gets me. also, when i transplanted, the height of the plant was somewhat shorter than the surrounding growth - which also aids in your...
  9. silouan

    Outdoor low yield?

    from seed. perhaps, but it seemed to be doing well when i started it indoors.
  10. silouan

    square grouper check this out - good film.
  11. silouan

    150 w homemade box with gumtree, gumtree x c99, and great white shark x c99

    anybody out there growing with a 150 hps? how well are you doing with this amount of watts?
  12. silouan

    Outdoor low yield?

    the plant was topped at about 12" tall. yeah, i guess the light or lack of. any advice on growing in the mountains? got to be on the mountain top or are cut fields, power lines, etc. acceptable? this one was grown along a cleared section for power lines.
  13. silouan

    Outdoor low yield?

    that must be it. i will say that the plant is in the mountains so they, by themselves, block light. also it was not on top of a mountain, but rather kinda low - so that is also a contributing factor. also, the overcast weather is worth mentioning. it was grown in a section cut out for power...
  14. silouan

    Cannabis Cup Busted!!!!!!!!

    great use of time and resources.
  15. silouan

    Outdoor low yield?

    my guess would be the lack of nutrients, but still its a mystery of some sorts. it was in a good location to receive sunlight - i would be shocked it that were the issue. rain bringing on overcast weather maybe - which could account for being in good sunshine and yet not getting it at the same...