Recent content by Snoopy808

  1. Snoopy808

    Pandemic 2020

    Ok people. Research Marek disease in chickens. And the leaky vs perfect vaccine theory and what ends up happening to the microbes host population. This is where its heading. Anyone in a position to affect the plandemic knows this and is steering the outcome this way,
  2. Snoopy808

    Pandemic 2020

    Covid is big business. We know how insurance companies, are the paywall/gatekeepers to health care and raise the price of everything to provide services and medical products for their huge profit. Anyways Abbot makes a covid19 test, Panbio. In Europe its about $4. In 'Murica its $25. Recent...
  3. Snoopy808

    Pandemic 2020

    Delta. Omicron. Surge in cases. Not scary enough. These are words should scare you more. Antibody dependent enhancement. Escape variants. Exosomes. All the ferrets died.
  4. Snoopy808

    Least favourite strain

    A purple hindu kush of some sort called jager now a days. The original jagermeister, looks and smells like peanut butter breath IMO.
  5. Snoopy808

    Least favourite strain

    Jager. Tastes bad, no high, and with its color and bigger buds, looks like turds in a turkey bag.
  6. Snoopy808


    Too much EWC and chicken shit. And no minerals. Good luck with that.
  7. Snoopy808

    Need help brown burnt spot on leaves , mold? Or what is it?

    Not likely mold. Your flowering looks ok. Its on older leaves not new growth? Anything else minor oddity? Leaves breaking easy? Color, luster, thickness of leaves maybe off? The picture of the leaf you are holding may show P needs in the petiole. May... it could be genetic or normal color change...
  8. Snoopy808

    Need help brown burnt spot on leaves , mold? Or what is it?

    Spray to treat any thing recently? Or a heavy feed? Thats the way my flow charts going
  9. Snoopy808

    Recharge vs compost tea?

    Recharge is a good re-innoculant. But compost adds humuc acids and organic matter. Teas are nice and esoteric extension of growers but a compost extract is usually more effective for soil and plants IMO. I used to be a tea brewing guy, but had an learnin' class that changed my mind on AACTs
  10. Snoopy808

    How much for a pound near you?

    Whats really needed is a grading scale, independent of the testing labs. You can shop for favorable labs, or even bribe them to get whatever test results you want or need. Buyers ask for 'OG' or 'gas' nose not knowing what that really is. I show them Ghost OG and they say thats not an OG nose...
  11. Snoopy808


    If you use the letters of the covid variants, delta & omicron, you can make the anagram, media control. How funny.
  12. Snoopy808


    Omicron The variant came by plane. From vaccinated people. Who privided PCR tests. Winning? The entire strategy against covid is a failure.
  13. Snoopy808


    Mr. Shrubber, yes they do. Which is why this one is interesting as its not outwardly fear the unknown based, more wait and see based. I looked for a reprint of the times, other than that link, you can find many of those articles without the paywall. I read as far as I could before the paywall...
  14. Snoopy808


    If thats the NY times article they have used some of the same quotes and source material as the MSN one I provided a link to. But crafted to a different narrative. And much less useful information. People pay for it because they like the reinforcement of their point of view. Not because its...
  15. Snoopy808


    But we cant read it with out paying for fear mongering. So....