Recent content by sourtrees

  1. sourtrees

    Using a cardboard box, why or why not?

    I wouldnt suggest growing in a cardboard box just because its not very sturdy and like previously mention, can be a fire hazard. Also it can be hard to clean and u can spill water or anything or else the box will turn even more flimsy. I understand that times hard and not having the funds to...
  2. sourtrees

    First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!

    Great lookin plants, keep up the awesome work, ill stay tuned
  3. sourtrees

    My First Grow: Bagseed, all CFL

    Goodjob mate
  4. sourtrees

    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Love the setup mate, great job! :bigjoint:
  5. sourtrees

    1st Grow - CFL Stealth Cab - Auto Fast Bud

    Hello RIU, I have been busy and lazy so sorry for not posting any updates. Also with the decent data loss on RIU, I was a bit confused at first. Anyway I have already harvested, dried and trimmed my Fast Bud. It is currently in the process of being cured. Anyhow, I also regret trimming when try...
  6. sourtrees

    Dinafem Original Amnesia - LST CFL Stealth Cab

    Yea you're right, before posting this I checked up on her and she seemed a bit stress so I placed her about an inch away. On my first grow I kept it away about an inch as well, just wanted to try something different but you're right its best about an inch away. Thanks for the input mate.
  7. sourtrees

    1st Grow - CFL Stealth Cab - Auto Fast Bud

    -=-=-=-UPDATE:leaf:-=-=-=- Hey guys sorry for the infrequent updates lately. -She's been doing great, more and more bud formations. -Also much more growth throughout the colas. -Still just using water, my flower nutes should be in by tomorrow. (sorry for the sideway pics) 1st is over-view...
  8. sourtrees

    Dinafem Original Amnesia - LST CFL Stealth Cab

    -=-=-=-UPDATE:leaf:-=-=-=- Hey guys, well she's doing pretty good. However before the true leaves popped out I had to cut the cotyledon leaves because it seems they were stuck together by the leftover residue from the seed. The new true leaves were growing out crumbled, as you can see in the...
  9. sourtrees

    2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!

    Really nice man. I like your cab, it's so great stealth wise. Keep up the great work! :bigjoint:
  10. sourtrees

    My Very Own CFL Grow!!

    nice frosty colas man, keep it up. :bigjoint:
  11. sourtrees

    Question on THE CFL LIGHT WORLD......

    It wont burn, you can even move it a little bit closer. If you have proper ventilation, CFL's dont get that hot.
  12. sourtrees

    Bagseed, cfl, new grower, need an experienced eye for advice/help

    dam bro, its so small for being a month old. How many CFL's and watts are you using?