Recent content by Specialboy

  1. Specialboy

    Navy Seals strike again

    you sir are a prick, now go and look in the mirror and try and convince yourself you are part of some master race
  2. Specialboy

    What kind of car do you want/have?

    But they don't go round corners very well
  3. Specialboy

    Is Q-tipping your ears one of the best feelings ever?

    Then your head is gonna explode
  4. Specialboy

    Is Q-tipping your ears one of the best feelings ever?

    ;-) That's why it's called an ear wank
  5. Specialboy

    Need help asap please

    Take your laptop to a lake and throw it in, then go to the store and buy a mac... simples
  6. Specialboy

    UK Petition to legalise

    Have you seen this doc? It shows that times have not changed much when it comes to governments & industrialists lining their pockets whilst hiding behind the drug laws they created. The only way to get people to change their...
  7. Specialboy

    UK Petition to legalise

    Just for the record it's not legal in Holland it's decriminalised, they could never make it legal as it would encourage people to bring it through neighbouring countries pissing off those governments. Did you see this in the paper yesterday...
  8. Specialboy

    Americans vote for a smoke

    Well done mericans seems more of you want it legalized, see the link... :clap::clap::clap:
  9. Specialboy

    Uk ONLY how much do you pay for your weed

    Trying to find a regular supply in the UK is a nightmare thats why I've started growing, also I can't be doing with the arseholes you have to deal with for unweighed amounts of rubbish weed. Too many wankers runnin around thinking they are gangstas
  10. Specialboy

    I have a lighting question......

    Or get a light rail, that will save your electric. The link is a UK one but I'm sure they are available everywhere
  11. Specialboy

    what term do you use for the 2000's?

    It's the Noughty's
  12. Specialboy

    Good Cannabis Documentary

    Great film thanks for posting it.
  13. Specialboy

    UK Petition to legalise

    I'm going with what my gut is telling me about putting my name on a website with H.M. Government on the opening page, a big fat No, and pointing out that maybe that is why not many have signed it. Furthermore do you really think it would make ant difference if they get the magic 100000...
  14. Specialboy

    UK Petition to legalise

    Sorry if I don't agree with you 100%, get over it...
  15. Specialboy

    UK Petition to legalise

    I know what you are saying vanishing toaster but it still don't sit right. Knowing a few 'government people' they can can pick up info from anywhere they dam well please and that's not paranoia speaking. How do I want to spend my time on this earth? Free to smoke My Kush...