Recent content by spike142

  1. spike142

    How Do You Want To Go Out?

    I would dress up like a pirate hit some PCP and party till death in Vegas! other than that, get a million dollar loan or something, buy something like a Bugatti Veyron, or Koenigsegg CCX. Drive as fast as I can until I blow up, or inevitably hit something solid. PLAY TO WIN!
  2. spike142

    potato = Potassium ? ?

    Sorry bud but unfortunately no...Though potatoes are high in potassium the concentration compared to the overall size and serving of the potato, the concentration is actually pretty weak. Even a banana would not do suffice and banana are load with K! Sorry bud good thinking though.
  3. spike142

    What's The Most Expensive Bowl/ Joint/ Blunt/ Whatever, That You Ever Had?

    Just did a fat gator tail off a hookers ass and about to hit some white widow budder!
  4. spike142

    Any Bicycle Riders Out There?

    I ride a fixed gear, its fun as hell! That and you and "book it" on them. I like to roll some J's and ride a little slow, by the time I get to class...fried!
  5. spike142

    Good Grow Room? (Pictures and Updates)

    What are you going to use for Flowering? Nice grow room there is a lot to learn from when you keep it simple.
  6. spike142

    My New Set Up. First LED Grow

    I am stickin around for this one. I have always wanted to see what LED's are capable!
  7. spike142

    Best Responses for the questions "What are you trying to grow, Build, send,?"

    Haha solid man great idea, I personally have ran into this many times, in fact just the other day, way buying some hydroton. I told them it was for my advanced horticulture project class research product. If they ever chose to go further in dept I just drop them yeah were growin...
  8. spike142

    Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal

    Great looking grow! Like the closet setup, an and mad props for growing northern lights haven't seen that in five years. :D
  9. spike142

    Johnny's doing it again

    Hey Johnny About to set up shop here with a nearly identical setup few questions(if you dont mind): How do you like growing with Hydroton? Notice that you setup is alot like the CAP ebb and Grow, but looks like you DIY'd it can I get an inside on that control bucket for the Ebb and Flow? How...
  10. spike142

    HPS light question

    My understanding is it is not really worth to cheap out on a ballast, do you want to come home to both your garden and your house burnt down? Not saying to go out and buy the best their is but don't buy the cheapest. Think of it this way how long do you expects a cheap ass car like a Chevy Aveo...
  11. spike142

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    GREAT thread, I live in a town house and will be setting up shop in the months to come. How do you like your HPS? I cannot decide between an LED or HPS, being that Infrared Heat Signatures are the DEA's favorite tool I cannot decide if it is worth the risk.. Also to add...
  12. spike142

    TO Grow or NOT to Grow?

    Hypothetically: :leaf:So here is the deal; I have always wanted to grow, grow the best bud stuff you could find at the cup. That kind of good bud. small operation very small like 4 to 8 plants Plants big, in a ScrOG build I wanted to know if this was possible especially the risk of rowing in a...