Recent content by sso

  1. sso

    White Supremacist Takes DNA Test

    There are only 2 types of people on the planet. Stupid people and people that are stupid in some other way.
  2. sso

    Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?
  3. sso

    A thought about flushing

    flushing is done if you use inorganic fertilizers.
  4. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    Well, you could think of some theories i suppose. God being the only thing in existence, cant really do anything, nor interact or ever truly know itself. So maybe We, I, created a small pocket universe in a part of itself and sorta went through a portal into time, existing in a sense outside...
  5. sso

    For men: Just got out of long relationship, having problems with my manhood! HELP

    I find the best aphrodisiac to be love. But any cure will do, sex is important in mental health and happiness.
  6. sso

    For men: Just got out of long relationship, having problems with my manhood! HELP

    I would think that in a way you have lost the faith in women. It is a common fallacy to consider every woman/man to be every woman/man. While this is true on a fundamental level and philosophical level, we are all still different in where we are at in life´s lessons. Personally i would not...
  7. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    I defuse her anger through humor, when i am not capable of it, i retreat to the den, :) so yeah.. Calling it god, when it is just us.. Well, That would mean we are god. Even the smallest part of god, would be god too. But what is god? What is being a god? Looking at the parts of god, it is...
  8. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    If they want to, that is the crux of the matter, that and having enough experience to understand the problem and fix it. Neither can be given by others.
  9. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    Very insightful, up to a point. I know why she´s insecure and it is only my problem because of the anger tirades and bitching and worrying. (meaning it affects me.) But thanks, this is what i was talking about earlier, your perspective on this has widened my perspective.
  10. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    Well, i was forced to learn my anger, simply because it was so much. And dangerous and harmful to even my own life. (through pushing others away from me. We all need others.) It is not wasting time, discovering yourself and "fixing" yourself (becoming better through understanding of yourself...
  11. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    That is actually something that i have known since i was a kid. We dont know shit, because in comparison to all knowledge, our knowledge is less than a drop in an ocean. Still, from a human perspective, i and you know quite a bit. It would however be very foolish to treat life as we were...
  12. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    Heehe Yah, but that leaves me with a statement from you "Your wife is a bitch because its a dance and its all necessary and you will understand later." Kinda of an unnecessary statement and not helpful , so really pointless to say. I know why my wife is a bitch, she is insecure. Something...
  13. sso

    Is Obama too smart for the job of POTUS?

    It is possible, english is not my native language and even among english speakers, different phrases and ways to say things are different.
  14. sso

    Is Obama too smart for the job of POTUS?

    Im not following that line of thinking, can you explain?
  15. sso

    Why do women clean so damn much!?

    If you tell me and i do not understand, i will not lose any sleep over it and learn anyway later. You are assuming that i do not possess the wisdom you speak of and are assuming that you have greater vantage over something that in fact i might know more about. I think i know what you are...