Recent content by Swag

  1. Swag

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    I've heard PE didn't do well on cakes. How'd they work out?
  2. Swag

    Does anyone know any verified websites that sends spores in the USA?

    I use He's an old school shroomery approved vendor, been in business for over a decade at least now...
  3. Swag

    Mephisto grape crush and sundae thumper!

    Fellow MephHead checking in :). That Sundae Thumper is looking frosty af! I grabbed some KnickerBockerGlory (Jammy Dodgers x Sundae Thumper) with the Grape Crush freebies. Can't wait to run both.
  4. Swag

    this poppy recipe looks good

    The Good ol' Sincerely Nut and Food to Live, Amazon ordering days. I was already ordering 50lb bags of Spainish seeds at that point though. I've since graduated to growing. The seeds are just too pricey nowadays. A pound of decent UK seeds run around $45 a pound now... Speaking of which. Spring...
  5. Swag

    this poppy recipe looks good

    Absolutely gorgeous P. Som. peonies (paeoniflorum) you got there. I've heard they're pretty potent, at least an Estonian study on them (Here) claims that. I grew some Lauren's Grape last year, only 3 plants but they were loaded with pods, albeit tiny ones.
  6. Swag


    I had some 1-cP a year or 2 ago from the lizards, it was good. Definitely close to original 25.
  7. Swag

    Alternatives to Jwh-xxx?

    SGT-151 or a similar analog more than likely. Potentially 4F-ADB. The only JWH I can find being synth'd right now is 210. Seems like the Netherlands one didn't go through. There are some still...
  8. Swag

    Alternatives to Jwh-xxx?

    Synthetic cannabinoids are dead. China banned them and The Netherlands is working on it. Best bet is to look for delta-8 or THC-O, if you can't get regular marijuana.
  9. Swag

    Rob333 back with opium

    The majority of poppy seeds that are used for baking that come from Spain are sourced from a pharma. company that produces opiate based medications ;).
  10. Swag

    Research chems

    Darknet for RC's? All the chems you need to lock yourself into a brutal physiological/psychological addiction are still easily available on clearnet sites. If you're gonna go the extra mile just order "good" schedule 1 substances, imo.
  11. Swag

    who else has a KRATOM TREE!!

    Poppies > kratom in my opinion. Still real cool for the novelty of it though. Especially when the feds. inevitably succeed in outlawing it; like you mentioned. Crazy they just emergency banned phenibut in U.S. I'm sure kratom will be next, I believe they've (DEA/other alphabet agency) been...
  12. Swag

    Hydrocodone price?

    MSContin is the biggest pain in the ass to abuse. Might as well be trying to sell the newly reformulated oxycontin (OP's). I wouldn't pay a cent over $5 and even that's pushing it. That's just my opinion though. Prices and participation may vary ;). Unless they're kadian capsules, that would be...
  13. Swag


    BTW if you go to a GNC/Vitamin Shoppe look for nigella sativa oil while you're there or purchase some online. It's probably the only thing I would consider a legitimate legal "potentiator" of kratom/opiates. It contains thymoisoquinolones which are minor opiate agonists if I remember correctly...
  14. Swag


    Go to your local GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, organic food store an get some gelatin capsules to put it in. Or if you're patient or willing to pay for overnight/2 day-shipping (amazon prime?) get 0 or 00 sized ones. The bigger they are (capsules) the less you'll have to consume. They usually don't carry...
  15. Swag

    Hydrocodone price?

    I definitely wouldn't pay $1 a mg for hydrocodone, unless maybe it was that new zohydro stuff. From my general experience opiates containing APAP in them should be around $0.50 a mg. Which is definitely worth the price, pay $15 dollars for 30mg of oxy in percocet and do a CWE or $30 for those...