Recent content by Terry_Tokabolla

  1. T

    who out there is too scared too post pics about grows

    I'm looking for the privacy agreement at this site. Any mods have the link handy?
  2. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    Right here doubting Thomas: Too bad I didn't continue the journals online. You may as well believe me, cause I've got no reason to BS anyone on and educative forum. This method works - and is lower maintenance...
  3. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    Hmm.. I can't seem to edit my above post. (Post #84 of this thread) Correction to post #84: I checked my journal. Lighting switched around 11" to 13" plant height. More importantly would be to say that lighting was switched to 12/12 when all had about 10 to 12 internodes. The shiskaberry...
  4. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    (Doesn't matter what size light you use in the 4 x 4 room. I say - start with 5 or 6 seeds - of that you should get 3 to 4 female plants) 3 plants is comfortable - 4 plants max in the room by the end at the size plant grown with this method. (if your triggering flowering at 18 to 22 inches -...
  5. T

    First Journal Grow -5 Plant Grow 5th grow

    Good luck with the grow. I'm watching. What's the plan?
  6. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    Usually one of mine gets LST - I do that if one is uneven height from the rest. More for keeping the tops even to the light than for the spreading open to receive more light.
  7. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    (all mainly indica) I had similar results with Shiskaberry x Buddha, Northern Lights x Buddha, Ultimate Indica Didn't do well with the 3 skunk#1's I had... there were all hermies Of those NL x buddha is my favorite. Soilless medium (promix) in large pots watered/fed roughly every 4 to 5...
  8. T

    to top or not to top

    BOT (back on topic) I've found that the main cola is always better when left alone doesn't matter the strain. LST to open it up to more light. Top it if height is an issue. (saying that.... I"m still a little bit of a hypocrit because I like to experiment and have tried to top one in...
  9. T

    My christmas may be a few days early (White Widow - Week 8 Pics)

    Is that phosphorus deficiency I see? ... hmm.. maybe it is mag deficient as you suspect. anyhow, Looks like your only 30~40% hair color change so I say.... you'll be looking for a few more weeks. It will be a Christmas Harvest!!! Merry Christmass!!! (just for the heck of it, I'ld clip...
  10. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    ^^^ cool man.. I'm going to check it out.
  11. T

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    Q. How much do you yield under a 400hps A. between 0.5 and 1 pound ------------------------------------------- I read the first 2 pages // skipped to the end now. I too call BS on the post of 3lbs per 400W (430w) even with CO2 that is not likely (maybe he/she was talking about using a 1000W...
  12. T

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Posting to I can keep it easy to watch. Hope to learn simple hydro. I've already learned about soiless growing, which is basically hydroponic as far as I'm concerned. Thouth its still like watering a potted plant. No resivior, Pumps or water timing to set up. I don't really think there would...
  13. T

    First outdoor grow! Getting late!

    Keep an eye on them every day. If you can cover at night, great. If not, wait till first frost. Check them for signs of damage. Plan to take them up early if they look like dying. Dead Flowers are just like any dead fruit. It can be frost bitten, bruised etc. You can in this instance, think...
  14. T

    Ontario Growers???

    Take Crime off the streets, Grown you own. You can also choose what genetics you would like to grow and it will be properly cured, not wet.