Recent content by The Lt.

  1. The Lt.

    Everything going good? pictures...

    ok...let me make sure i got this...I am running about 5 maybe 6 gallon container...flush with 30 gallons of water (pHed) and run nute half power...for how long?
  2. The Lt.

    Everything going good? pictures...

    Thanks I am glad that I posted this up....How long should I run the flush of water?
  3. The Lt.

    Everything going good? pictures...

    I don't know if this helps or not but here is a picture that is about a month old where you can see the root system...
  4. The Lt.

    Everything going good? pictures...

    This is my 1st grow...I think that the 3 lady's are doing well. I started this grow a while ago...Well here is it now and what it is up to.... I guess my questions does it look...I have never had a grow before so I do not know... Also about how long am I looking at? And how will I...
  5. The Lt.

    Michigan took a hit for the war for legalization!

    Well here is the good…,0,4309771.story That is a good thing for the State of Michigan… a full time office. There are a few (the one that I and my “patents” went to). Either way then they put this shit up the...
  6. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    OK well I took a few cuttings! I put them into dirt. I tried a few different chem combos to see what way works the best. I will get a few pictures of them up tonight as my ladys are still in the dark!
  7. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    I would love to have one of those EZ Clone boxes...I think that I am going to use the blue prints out of the same high times. It is quite the setup...ill see if I can find a link...
  8. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    :!::!::!:Well I have to try my hand at it. If not here in a while I am going to be having some problems...I am wish there was just a bud store in my area!
  9. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    Yea I think that I am going to go step by step on there. I guess the person that wrote the article has had super luck...I hope that it works as well for me!
  10. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    I am looking for tips on cloning. I have read in the High Times "Ganja Grow Guide" a way that seems to be easy...I googled it to see if I could find a link. The only link that was what I was looking for linked me to this site. This is the system that I think that I am going to do. If there is...
  11. The Lt.

    Post some pictures of your homemade projects...

    Sounds cool I think that I would like to see something like that!...I thought that there would be more MacGyver smokers out there! Get them homemade smoking devices up!
  12. The Lt.

    Looks Like Balls to me.....

    I to am going through this lol I would have to say could obvious tell mine were boys...
  13. The Lt.

    Post some pictures of your homemade projects...

    Anyone can go and buy a bong or pipe...but it takes a special person to be able to go and make a creation that you can smoke out of and get stoned!. Post up pictures of what ever you made into a smoking device. I'll start things is a picture of my minute made apple juice container...
  14. The Lt.

    My setup

    I would have to agree. I would hard wire timers right in with all the lights...set them once and forget about it!
  15. The Lt.

    Should I grow inside or out?

    Yea here is a few other things to think of to...if you do grow in that speaker box...IMO I think that you should line it with some kind of plastic as with watering it is going to get in the bottom of that box and set...May mold or leek who knows. Looks like you may have a possible start to a...