Recent content by ThrowMeOut

  1. ThrowMeOut

    Plant folliar spray, all natural growth enhancer

    FWIW Kelp also has been shown to help improve your plant's ability to fight off disease (improves their SAR), most studies i've read involve grape vines, but depending on kelp/algae species it's been shown to be quite effective. That mixed with some Silica & Fulvics and you're off to the races
  2. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    lol fair enough, that's how most of this stuff goes for me
  3. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    Thanks for that! Though I knew that part :cool: though that does remind me of one thing I've always wondered, why is N always considered "special"? By that I mean, N is typically present as NH4, NH3 etc yet everywhere I've seen is treated as 100% N and not treated the same way K (K20 converted...
  4. ThrowMeOut

    How to lower room temps?

    Unless you plan on putting adorable little coats on the plants I don't see why you'd wanna do that
  5. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    that seems like the most healthy to approach it all. i drift in to the chemistry side of things but then just get too bogged down in that and lose sight of what the plants actually want
  6. ThrowMeOut

    Nutrient PPM Question

    I think Hydrobuddy changed their system a little bit back to use a different formula now to calculate things rather than using static multipliers, apparently it works better but the math is honestly quite a bit above my head. Ca does seem to be a bit of a beast to accurately predict, it...
  7. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    That's part of why I'm after all of this, it depends on how you look at things. My roughly calculated elemental (actual, not going off of product label %s) Veg NPK is ~3.8:1.8:4, K:Ca:Mg 4:2.9.1 and mid flower ranges more towards 1.9:3.2:4.2, K:Ca:Mg 4:3.2:1.1 Numbers are all a bit skewed though...
  8. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    I based a lot of what I was trying to accomplish off of Renfro's work and that was a really great starting point, but I think I've hit a bit of a wall. Short of finding a magical database of products and their measured ECs, it seems like a lot more work than I need to be bothering with. I was...
  9. ThrowMeOut

    Nutrient PPM Question

    @Norville Rogers Hey there, I know it's been a few months and this thread is kind of dead but I was wondering if you ever figured out the math on accurately calculating EC from a product label? And if you were perhaps willing to share your results? I've been working for a few months on doing...
  10. ThrowMeOut

    Calculating EC/PPM/TDS from nutrient compositions

    Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to within reason calculate the EC (or PPM, TDS, whatever flavor you may choose) of a nutrient product based off it's label composition & reported SG/Density (mostly gotten from MSDS info). (I understand this...